Trump is Nothing More than a Whiny, Old, Fat, White Man Who Cannot Keep His Mouth Shut

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

The answer to the age-old question is, “he’s so dumb he doesn’t realize he’s his own worst enemy.” 

This perfectly describes your former illegitimate president, Donald John Trump. 

The Most Hated Man in the World 

We now know that the 2016 election was rigged in favor of Donald Trump. His partner in this heinous crime was his mentor, Vladimir Putin.  

Women led our nation in the fight to prevent the worst man in the world from getting away with corruption.  

A “women’s march” was organized for January 21, 2017, the day after the smallest inauguration in modern history. It was originally planned for Washington, D.C. However, large groups of women across America organized their own protests. My daughter and granddaughters participated in the March which took place in Fort Meyers, Florida. I was very proud. 

A side story. On the way home to Naples, she told her daughters that our country had never had a woman president. The youngest, who was nine years old at the time, sat up straight and screamed, “WHAT!!!” 

Trump Deserves the Criticism he Receives from All Real Americans 

Negativity is a word which describes Trump completely. He has never uttered a positive phrase about our country or our people.  

His speeches are composed of anger, hatred, the incitement of violence, and complaints about the actions against him in our court system, which he so rightly deserves. Trump has earned every unpleasant thing which will happen to him. 

He continues to self-destruct with his own words, lies, and conspiracy theories. For four years he divided our nation’s people, attempted to remove our personal rights and freedoms, and violated the Constitution. He accomplished nothing with the exception of permanent tax cuts for the super-rich. As the deadly coronavirus approached our nation in 2020, he did nothing, constantly claiming that “it will just go away.” Then, at the very end of his reign of terror, he attempted to overthrow our government. On the day he was evicted from the White House, he stole 14 boxes of national secrets to use as he pleased, for his personal benefit.  

What’s not to hate? 

Once Again, his Big Mouth Exposes a Loss of Mental Acuity 

Trump’s “hush money” criminal trial will begin in 13 days. Although Judge Juan Merchan placed a gag order on all those involved in the criminal action, Trump couldn’t keep his big mouth shut. After two violations on social media, a second gag order has been placed on the participants with the possibility of jail time if violated. 

“I just was informed that another corrupt New York Judge, Juan Merchan, GAGGED me so that I cannot talk about the corruption and conflicts taking place in his courtroom with respect to a case that everyone, including the D.A., felt should never have been brought,” Trump wrote Tuesday in a post on Truth Social. “They can talk about me, but I can’t talk about them???” 

The truth is that Trump is not talking about the charges against him, he has been personally attacking the judge and his daughter. No class. 

Trump is America’s Most Infamous Lifelong Criminal 

If the 100,000 deaths Trump is responsible for after he ignored the life-threatening probabilities of Covid-19, “Big Adolf” has committed every crime possible at least once. 

Because he committed treason and sedition, he should be in jail awaiting trial today. However, in America the super-rich and powerful are clearly above the law. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle 

“The Truth Lives Here 


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