Another Dumbass Conspiracy Theory from the Extreme Right Wing: Prepare to Laugh Out Loud


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I have read some of the most ignorant statements over the last nine years, all from right-wing politicians and their propaganda machines like FOX News. However, this latest one displays morons at their worst, and extreme desperation to kiss Trump’s humongous derriere.

After the Justice Department learned that Trump lied about returning classified documents to the White House, the FBI was ordered to conduct a search of Trump’s rich boy’s playpen, Mar-a-Lago. With warrant in hand, boxes of national secrets were found in numerous hiding places within the resort.

When the FBI conducts a legal search, they are always instructed to ‘use deadly force only if necessary.’ Because they know nothing about the FBI, the law, or anything related to our government, the right-wing news broadcasts went out of their f**king minds. They labeled this “an effort to assassinate Donald Trump.” (I can only dream: he is our nation’s biggest traitor).

When Trump heard about these baseless allegations, the orange buffoon screamed, Biden is "locked & loaded ready to take me out.”


Attorney General, Merrick Garland, offered the facts about FBI operations, informing the uninformed of standard operating procedures.

In true Trump style, he created another conspiracy theory not with facts but with huge lies. He told his ignorant supporters that the words “deadly force” were specifically added to get rid of him before the election.


Anyone who is suspected of attempting to cause grievous harm to the United States is considered extremely dangerous. This includes “Big Adolf.” He is guilty of the same crimes as Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed in 1953.

Trump’s resume has zero accomplishments without the aid of foreign leaders. What it does contain are a long list of crimes, including fraud, bribery, sexual assault, treason, violating the Espionage Act, and lying to the FBI. This is the old, obese, mentally deficient man who wants to be your president.

The damage caused by Trump’s vile plans for our nation’s future is extreme. Some of it is irreversible. We should all be afraid of the worst man in the world. If I had been part of the team searching Trump’s playpen, I would definitely have been armed: just in case.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone about my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

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