Fascist Donald Trump Has the Cojones to Claim that President Biden has a “Gestapo”
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
I wrote multiple times how Trump’s personal Gestapo mistreated illegal immigrants during his illegitimate presidency. They are called ICE.
ICE was an unnecessary creation and a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 during the Bush 43 administration. It proved to be a racist and poorly trained agency originally designed to protect our borders.
Trump Would be a Dictator and the Destroyer of the Constitution, or so He Tells Us: read his latest manifesto in Time Magazine.
It is an undeniable fact that Trump is the leader of the fascist movement in America. The men who led his failed coup on January 6 were leaders of various Neo-Nazi groups whose goal is to destroy our current government. They plan to move our nation backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century.
Trump continues to whine about receiving fair punishment for the just a few of the many crimes he committed during a small part of his pitiful life. In his tiny and worthless mind, he is the victim.
“These people are running a Gestapo administration, and it’s the only thing they have, and it’s the only way they’re going to win,” Trump said during a sprawling, nearly 90-minute speech at a donor retreat in Palm Beach on Saturday, referring to the secret police during Nazi Germany. “But it doesn’t bother me.”
Sorry, “Big Adolf,” you are crying because you got caught, just like any other criminal would do? He couldn’t keep his mouth shut and had to say one more very stupid thing: a “Trumpism.”
“Until I got indicted, I was respectful of the office of the president,” said Trump, who tried unsuccessfully to overturn the results of the 2020 election. “Once I got indicted, I said, ‘well now the gloves have to come off.’”
Sure sounds like a lifetime criminal to me.
Trump is Nothing but an Obese Old Body Filled with Nothing but Hot Air
Trump once claimed to be a Democrat. When he realized that he had no supporters in the entire party, he moved across the aisle to join the rest of the buffoons in Washington. One thing he has never been is an American.
Trump has no interest in our nation’s people or their future. He is nothing more than an opportunist who is mentally unbalanced. Trump failed to lead our nation and would fail even worse if reelected. He has only two plans for a second term: enact revenge on his enemies and avoid a lengthy prison sentence.
The people, nor our government could survive another four years of the worst illegitimate president in history. Under orders from his handler, Vladimir Putin, he divided our nation’s people, and separated America from other NATO members.
His failed economic policy nearly placed America in another depression, adding trillions of dollars to the national debt. He wasted more than six million dollars of taxpayer money for personal benefit. Finally, Trump is personally responsible for many of the one million American lives lost during the pandemic. His failure to take timely action placed our people in great danger. Remember: “it will just go away?”
Op-ed by James Turnage
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