GOP Attempting to Misdirect the Reason for Unrest on College Campuses


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I love protests; there is nothing more democratic than a peaceful protest focused on a miscarriage of justice or a demand for equal rights and protection under the law. What is happening on our college campuses today reminds me of my experience in the 1960’s.

Contrary to lies told by fake Republicans, today’s protests have nothing to do with their invalid claims that the participants are anti-Israel. These protests are in support of the Palestinian people, and how wannabe dictator Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting a form of genocide.


It has become clear to every informed American that right-wing politicians seek the repeal of the First Amendment. If Trump finds a way to rig the November election, as he and Putin did in 2016, and is once again gifted the Electoral College, he plans to make Christianity America’s only recognized religion.

This is at the core of why right-wing politicians lie about the protests. That is true unless they are more ignorant than I once believed.

The First Amendment protects our right to protest corruption, injustice, and issues ignored by our government which fails to understand their obligation to serve our nation’s people, not rule over them.

Let me be perfectly clear, “Republicans” don’t give a damn about Christianity: they are godless. However, they desperately need the support of the Christian Religious Right, and, like their leader, Trump, they will say or do anything to get it.


Unrest between the Israeli and Palestinian people began in 1948. The Nation of Israel became a reality that year when the United Nations voted in favor of a petition presented by the leaders of what became a new nation.

Beginning later in 1948, leaders of the Palestinian people submitted a similar petition to the U.N.

Every request for statehood has been denied for the last 76 years. To veto any issue brought before the U.N. requires a single “no” vote from a member of the Security Council. The United States has vetoed these requests from the Palestinian people every year the issue comes before the entire assembly of nations.

Most experts on the Middle East agree that the only possible solution which would create peace in the region is a “two-state solution.” However, Netanyahu rejects the idea, and therefore the United States votes according to his request.

Finally, the United States continues to sell weapons of war to Israel in the tens-of-millions of dollars level, allowing the Industrial Military Complex to profit from these military conflicts. War remains “good business.”

Trust no one in power. Our government is no different than other nations who intentionally hide the truth. The truth brings governments down, and if we knew the truth, very few of the men and women in our legislative and judicial branches would have received or kept their positions for a lengthy period of time. Most survive with lies and misdirection.

One last thought: our government has allowed our nation to move from a capitalistic society to a plutocracy. Our country’s 760+ billionaires are in complete control of our nation’s future in the 21st century. Does the working class have a chance for a better quality of life?

Op-ed by James Turnage

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