President Biden is Right: “This Election is a Fight for our Democracy”


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

No one must allow themselves to forget the feelings we had before the 2020 election. The turnout was historical. The reasons for that turnout saved our country. I cannot deny that for myself and millions of others, a vote for Mr. Biden was a vote against the fascist and destructive agenda of Donald John Trump. Our nation was moving 180 degrees in the wrong direction. While the rest of developed nations were moving forward in social and economic issues, America was retreating into its dark past, eliminating the advances made over the last 60+ years.

The situation is even more dire today. Trump’s entire fascist party supports his vile agenda. There is no dissent among these cowards and traitors. Trump has become the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement thanks to his association with their group leaders during the January 6 insurrection.

Trump and Putin have plans for you and me: real Americans. Under a fascist regime, with Trump as their Fuhrer, we will be imprisoned as traitors to the “new order.” America will have enjoyed its last free and fair election.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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