The Dumbing Down of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

The “boob tube,” wireless phones, social media, a failing education system, parents demanding too little from their children: these are all reasons why America has fallen behind the rest of developed nations in education, and why we have morons like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Tommy Tuberville, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and others running our nation in Washington. This is why it is possible that the worst president in American history could return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and defile our nation’s White House as he plans to destroy democracy once and for all and shred nine out of ten Amendments in the Bill of Rights: (of course he will protect the most poorly written Amendment; the Second Amendment). 

Newspapers and magazines are failing every day. Reading has become less important as the number of Americans believe they “learn everything they need to know on television.” 

I Read, Maybe a Little Too Much, but I Learn 

American voters are the least informed in the world. Reading a diverse subject matter and a variety of opinions, I believe that voters who don’t read the facts will be voting against themselves in November. They will be voting for candidates who are diametrically opposed to their own needs and wishes, as well as their personal beliefs. Many of them choose 

 ignorance over irrefutable fact, and believe the lies from Trump and his fascist party.  

Fight for Your Country 

If you never thought that your vote was important, I hope this article helps you understand how important this election has become.  

Thanks to a corrupt and bigoted Supreme Court, and the virtual repeal of the 14th Amendment, Trump has been allowed to run for public office. This travesty cannot be reversed thanks to a huge mistake by our Founding Fathers, who gave lifetime appointments to the Justices on the Court. 

You can offer a great, big f**k you to all right-wing extremists and let them know that the United States is not over, not yet. 

If your state allows you to vote by mail, please do. It has been proven to be the safest and most secure way to cast your ballot. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novels on Amazon’s free Kindle app 

Please tell everyone to follow my blog, “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here 


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