Akron, Ohio: Another Example Why I Reject Organized Religion

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Another day in America, another mass shooting, and another day proving that domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people and no one cares.

Over the weekend there was a huge mass shooting in Akron, Ohio. One person died and 24 were injured. The usual displays of shock, anger, and sympathy followed in the aftermath. As usual, nothing will change, and nothing will be considered in congress to stem the tide of growing gun violence in America.


After the carnage in Akron, one minister called for everyone to “lay down their guns.” However, Christian religious leaders continue to support right-wing politicians who are joined with the NRA gun lobby in preventing any changes to our gun laws. “Profit Before People” is the motto of all politicians who pretend to be “Republicans” from the past.

I don’t want to hear these hypocrites stand on their altars and preach love and understanding, while continuing their support of a political party which encourages hatred and gun violence to promote increased gun purchases.


As of May 31, a total of 318 people have been killed and 836 people have been wounded in 225 shootings. You may not share my concern, and neither does the NRA or the “Republican Party.” These figures are unforgivable, but they are slightly less than in 2023.

Ask any right-wing professional politician, and they will tell you that “they send their thoughts and prayers.” However, when asked what they will do about it, they walk away, hide in their offices, and celebrate the fact that gun sales will increase as fear takes control of logic. This means a larger amount of money will be donated to their campaigns from the NRA in the next election.


“All incidents of gun violence are tragedies, but here the sheer number of victims is shocking and deeply concerning,” Akron

“Based on the layout of the spent shell (casings) it appears consistent with someone driving by shooting out of car,” Harding said. “We believe that some individuals at the party may have returned fire based on physical evidence at the scene.” Akron Police Chief Aaron Harding

“We know that this country has a gun violence epidemic, and that this is the latest in a long line of incidents we’ve seen across the nation,” Malik said. “The city of Akron and our Akron Police Department remain committed to fighting all violence, especially gun violence.”

The shooter or shooters remain free.

Sunday night’s tragic shooting was the 192nd reported in 2024. Once again, the number of mass shootings will surpass the number of days on the calendar in 2024.


I frequently report that I trust no one in power. What happened in Akron on Sunday night is another perfect example of how everyone with power in this country is totally useless.

If religious leaders would join most of the American people and demand serious gun laws, hundred of lives would be saved each year. However, their words, their offers of condolence, are nothing more than hot air.

In Washington, money buys votes, and performing the jobs for which they were elected is last on their list or priorities.

It is an irrefutable fact that most gun violence could end in days, not weeks, months, or years, if our government would do the right thing and actually accomplish something of importance for all American.

There is not a single logical reason why any regular citizen needs a military assault weapon equipped with a high-output magazine. These weapons and handguns were created for the purpose of killing human beings. These deadly killing machines should remain in the hands of our military and law enforcement exclusively.

The Second Amendment is bullshit. It is poorly written, ambiguous, and has no relationship to the deadly killing machines manufactured today.

Never forget, the largest mass shooting in America happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, under Trump’s watch. 58 innocent men and women attending a concert were slaughtered and nearly 500 injured. The domestic terrorist was equipped with a dozen assault rifles, and bump stocks which altered the weapons and made them automatic weapons of mass destruction.

It was logical to expect action from our government after 20 small children and six educators were executed by a lone gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 20 12. However, we learned that our federal government is useless and corrupt. Nothing happened then or since.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app.

Sources: https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/02/us/akron-ohio-mass-shooting/index.html





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