Empty Seats and Insults Faced by Trump in Pennsylvania


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

It appears that a growing number of Trump’s enthusiastic supporters are moving away from the convicted felon. During a rally in Pennsylvania, video reveals the entire upper section of the auditorium was vacant, and many seats were empty in lower levels. Trump was seen fuming about how small the crowd was although he had expected a full house. Is Trump losing his hold on uninformed voters?

If you know anything about me, you know that I have never understood how Trump was able to influence more than a handful of people to attend his rallies. They are filled with misdirected anger and hatred for others who simply oppose Trump’s vision of our nation’s future. This is America where free thought, free speech, and dissention are treasured, not reasons for emotions intended to deny what it means to be a citizen of the United States of America. Anger and hatred are destructive, and cannot become the focus of our political system.


As an original baby boomer, I grew up expecting our president to be an exceptional human being, a great leader, and a man who would do anything to preserve the integrity and guarantees promised by the Constitution. Although not all of the 13 presidents I remember fulfilled my hopes and expectations, none until Donald Trump opposed all of my beliefs.

First of all, a simple fact: Trump is boring. There has never been a rally where Trump was involved when the focus was not about him. He whines constantly about how he is hated by most Americans, and complains about his perceived belief that he has been mistreated by everyone. Fact: your life is the result of your own actions. This has been the focus of every hate rally since 2015. Not once has he told his supporters how he would improve their quality of life, or how his policies would benefit their families today and in the future. He will never be presidential because he will never be our nation’s president.


It is not an overstatement to claim that the 2024 election is the most important in history. The truth is that beginning in 2016 this has been an undeniable fact.

The greatest mistake ever made by the American people, aided by the interference of Vladimir Putin, was on November 8, 2016. Trump has caused more harm to our nation’s future than December 7, 1941, September 11, 2001, or the first Civil War between 1861 and 1865.

His rigged election began a division of our nation’s people not experienced since the Civil War. Trump began the destruction of our Constitution piece by piece ending the promises of our Founding Fathers. His failed economic policy, combined with his failure to take action in December of 2019 to prevent the disastrous loss of life and economic disaster caused by Covid-19 nearly caused a second Great Depression. More than one-million lives were lost, many the result of his policy of “it will just go away.”


The “Trump era” must end, and end soon. He is not the “great white hope” for our nation’s future. He is in fact the grim reaper who will destroy the dream, the ‘great experiment.’

He does not possess the ability or the will to move our nation forward into the 21st century. His plans are to move us backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century.

This is not a criticism of the worst president in history, it is fact. The American people deserve a president who places their future and the future of their children and grandchildren in priority number one. This is Joe Biden.

I have no idea where Mr. Biden will be rated by historians, but he is the president we need today. Our country is moving forward and every American is benefitting from his policies and his efforts to fulfill his promises to all of our nation’s people. America is on a path which will move us forward into the 21st century, not backwards.

Please vote, and vote for the best men and women available, not for a political party.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon

Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/donald-trump-brutally-ridiculed-over-pennsylvania-rally-crowd-size-old-man-cant-even-101719150622342.html



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