Hello Kansas, Hello Fascism, and Good-Bye First Amendment

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

From January 21, 2017, until today, I have witnessed at least one incident each day when a right-wing politician displays his or her preference for the end of democracy in America, and the institution of a fascist regime, with Trump as their Fuhrer.

The latest happened last week when a split decision by the Kansas Supreme Court declared that the state’s Constitution does not guarantee the right to vote.

[Justice Melissa Taylor Standridge called the decision troubling, with far-reaching implications, and that the ruling “defies history, law, and logic and is just plain wrong.”]

[“For over 60 years, this interpretation of section 2 has been our precedent,” she wrote. “Without even a hint that it’s doing so, the majority overturns this precedent today.”]


The right-wing is loyal to Donald Trump. It rejects the foundation for the existence if the United States, the Constitution. Donald Trump’s own words reveal his intention to void the Constitution in its entirety, with the exception of the Second Amendment. If elected, his first act will be to end all free and fair elections and take a position as Fuhrer of the Fascist States of America.

Over the last 43 years, those who are Republicans in name only today, have been attacking the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments. They seek to not only repeal the voting rights of everyone who is not pure white, establish the radical Evangelical branch of Christianity as our country’s only true religion, prevent peaceful protests, but also eliminate nearly every individual right and freedom previously guaranteed by the Law of the Land.

The passage of the Patriotic Act. By doing so, privacy is limited, illegal search and seizure became standard operating procedure for law enforcement. Government agencies are literally spying on private citizens every day in the workplace and in the privacy of their own homes.

Equal protection under the law no longer exists. The very existence of lobbies and a broken judicial system, which favors the rich and powerful, validates my claims.

By their actions, the Supreme Court proves that it has been corrupted forever. It removed every woman’s right to make decisions about her own physical and mental health. In another decision, it removed section three of the 14th Amendment preventing anyone who assists or engages in an attempt to overthrow our nation from running for public office.


Right-wing extremists in every red state are passing laws intended to punish women and doctors if an abortion is performed. They are suppressing the voting rights of the less advantaged and minorities. Members of the LGBTQ community are experiencing an increase in hate crimes.

After Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, began a practice which virtually bans thousands of books with even the slightest reference to slavery, homosexuality, or a hint about the reality of white privilege, other governors of red states followed his lead. Soon to come is a reconstruction of American history which will favor the views of the American Fascist Party of 2017.

Never before in the history of the world has an election been more important than November 5, 2024. It will decide if America is to continue, or if it will become extinct.

"...democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." - John Adams: our nation’s second President

Op-ed by James Turnage

Please tell everyone to follow my blog: “TheWiseOldFart,” because the truth lives here

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/6/8/2244672/-Kansas-Supreme-Court-rules-voting-isn-t-a-fundamental-right-What-s-next?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_2&pm_medium=web




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