Let’s Face it America, We Have Two Choices in November, and Nobody is Excited About Either of Them

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I woke up a bit depressed this morning for several reasons. I turned off the debate last evening after 40 minutes. Once again, the mainstream media failed the American people. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash refused to make Trump answer questions, as he began to ramble on and on about the same old s**t. Lies, lies, and even more lies.

President Biden didn’t help himself. He looked old, tired, and appeared to not be well.

Our nation has only two major political parties, and neither of them will ever receive one dollar in donations from me. They are not worthy of my support. There are hundreds of politicians in America, and the best they could offer to lead our country are two, very old, white men.

Here are our “choices.”

President Biden is a patriotic man who has accomplished many things over the last three-and-one-half years. Our economy is the best it has been since the turn of the century.

Trump is a convicted felon, a traitor, and a sexual deviate who accomplished nothing between 2017 and 2021. He failed to lead our nation in the fight against the pandemic, attempted a violent coup to overthrow our government, and violated the Espionage Act by stealing classified documents on January 20, 2021. Trump left office with our country in a near depression.


These are the choices given to the American people in 2024. The truth is, we don’t have a choice. Trump is an embarrassment to everything America stands for, and cannot claim the title of President of the United States again.

I will vote for President Biden, knowing that if he cannot complete his second term a very qualified woman, Kamala Harris, is his Vice-President and would make a great President. We don’t know who Trump’s VP will be, but his leading candidates are woefully unqualified to lead our country. Therefore, I will do the right thing for those I love and for my country.

A 2020 RERUN?

I have no doubt that the 2020 Election was more of a vote against Trump than a vote for Joe Biden. The President surprised everyone. He is a working President whose accomplishments are surprising. Like President Obama, he is facing the “party of no.” Those who call themselves “Republicans” today have become obstructionists, happy to do nothing and collect their paychecks.

I can’t help but wonder if November 5th will be a repeat of 2020. Will the turnout be historic and once again prevent Trump from causing additional harm to our country?


I fear that everyone who watched what was called a “debate” will be even less interested in the coming election. Trump lied constantly and refused to answer questions he feared. Biden lived up to his criticism, looking like the octogenarian he is.

I beg everyone to vote. Mr. Biden was 100 percent accurate when he claimed that this election will be a battle to save democracy. Trump’s policies, and the policies of his party are undoubtedly fascist.

The Party of Lincoln took its final breath on January 20, 2017. The once Grand Old Party surrendered to Trump, his extremist party, and Vladimir Putin. If you doubt me, you have no idea what’s happening in America and the world.


Let me include a critical fact into the discussion. The most successful presidents in history did not accomplish their goals alone.

There is no comparison between the men and women in President Biden’s White House and Trump’s in 2017.

The President has an outstanding cabinet, and his closest aides are experienced and qualified. President Biden and Vice-President Harris have great minds to help them do what is necessary to solve our nation’s problems.

Initially Trump had a few qualified members on his cabinet. However, after his first year his staff was occupied by “political paybacks,” and others who had never served in any position similar to the one they for which were hired. Just a couple of examples.

Betsy DeVos was the Secretary of Education. She was a billionaire donor who had never worked a day in her life.

Rex Tillerson was previously the CEO of Exxon. His only qualification as Secretary of State was his close friendship and business relationship with Vladimir Putin.

No one in the Trump White House knew what the f**k they were doing. And neither did Trump.

Your vote, your future.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon

Source: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/28/biden-debate-democrats-00165722




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