Remembering America: Why our Military, and Law Enforcement Support Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Trump is clearly a fascist. This is an undeniable fact based on his own words and actions. You may still ask why our military and law enforcement support him. The answer is simple: both organizations are in fact fascist. They are controlled by dictators, and their operations depend on totalitarianism and extreme nationalism.  

If Trump is reelected in November, he will immediately declare martial law, and place himself in power as a dictator, more accurately a Fuhrer.  

He said it and his American Fascist Party supports it. 


When members of congress asked for assistance from our military during the January 6, 2021, attempted coup, they declined. 

Several members involved in the violent insurrection were current or former members of our military or law enforcement agencies. 

Who can the people, who are America, turn to in our time of need? 

The answer, no one. Now that the Supreme Court has been permanently corrupted in favor of the extremists on the right side of the aisle. 

If Trump is victorious, America is over. The flag, the National Anthem, the dreams of our Founding Fathers will become memories, not reality. Vladimir Putin will have achieved his lifelong ambition, and Trump will rape our nation’s treasury to use as his personal bank account.  


I surrender. I have written about what was happening to my country for more than a decade, but no one cares. I tell the truth, but the truth no longer matters.  

I will take my memories of what could have become the greatest country in the world. Unfortunately, my granddaughters will never know that nation. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

My novels are available on Amazon 



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