Trump Wants Four More Years to Complete his Destructive and Backwards Policies


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I begin with a very disturbing but real fact that I and my wife are patriotic Americans who are on a fixed income and struggle to survive in 2024. Trump, who is a traitor, a convicted felon, an admitted sexual predator, and suggests that he would be the first fascist dictator in our nation’s history, is allowed to run for the presidency and is living the life of a billionaire. This is not the America I remember in my youth.

Presidential Historians rate Donald Trump the worst president in history. Let’s take a look at a few of the actions which occurred early in the Trump administration, and how he is solely responsible for the lessening of the average American’s quality of life. It is an irrefutable fact that if the orange buffoon should win the 2024 election, he will bring our nation to the brink of oblivion.


I will not be discussing Trump’s many criminal violations over four years, including two impeachments, the January 6 insurrection, or his multiple violations of the Espionage Act with the theft of national secrets. This is about his attempts to destroy everything which made the United States of America “the great experiment.” Freedom in every aspect and protecting the basic human rights of individuals made America unique in the world. Most countries who support democracy generalize, protecting the rights of the many. In America, if an individual does not present a danger to the rights of others, he or she is encouraged to celebrate that which makes them special.

This will be a very small sampling of Trump’s attacks founded in his racist beliefs and support for bigotry and baseless hatred for everyone but “his people.”

Trump’s first constitutional violation came just seven days after the smallest inauguration in history. He signed an executive order banning Muslims from entering our country. Exceptions were given to his friends and benefactors in Saudi Arabia, and any other nation in which Trump owned a hotel with his name on it.

On February 3rd, he signed an executive order which eliminated many of the rules put in place after the great recession which prevented Wall Street from literally stealing from their customers to increase their personal wealth. This began his efforts to destroy the Consumer Protection Agency.

On February 9, Trump signed three executive orders “to fight crime, gangs, and drugs; restore law and order; and support the dedicated men and women of law enforcement.” Civil rights groups considered these vague orders an afront to the civil rights of suspected and convicted criminals.

Direct attacks on the poor and women’s rights.

[On March 6, a week after Trump called on lawmakers to repeal the Affordable Care Act during his address to Congress, House Republicans released a proposal to replace the ACA with a law that would end the Medicaid program as we know it and defund Planned Parenthood.] His hastily constructed “plan,” would have left more than 24 million Americans without any form of healthcare.

On March 16, Trump proposed an additional $54 billion increase in military funding, and remove $54 billion from other programs not related to Pentagon spending. He also proposed an initial budget of $4.1 billion to build his wall through 2018.

These are just some of the actions removing progressive actions and programs accomplished over the last six or seven decades, and Trump demanded these and more in his first 60 days in office. You can read many more on the attached article.


When Trump was evicted from the White House on January 20, 2021, he took with him an estimated 14 boxes of classified documents. However, he left Washington without a plan to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine, our economy nearing a second Great Depression, and the addition of more than three trillion dollars to the national debt created by a failed economic policy and wasteful personal spending.

Our country cannot survive another Trump presidency. When he was occasionally in the White House, every action he called “his accomplishments” harmed our nation and its people.

Mr. Biden saved our nation. The economy is in excellent shape. In four short years a working president and his fiscal policy repaiared the damage caused by the incompetence of the Trump administration, and today our economy is in the best shape it has been since 1999.

Only a loyal American should wear the title of President of the United States, and that is not Donald John Trump.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon






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