We Don’t Need Florida and We Don’t Want DeSantis

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Florida does not produce anything needed by the other 49 states. Florida welcomes tourism from our states, and without tourism it would be a large ghost town.

The policies of their Governor, Ron DeSantis, do not resemble the values and principles of my state and most others. He is clearly a racist, a fascist, a homophobe, and literally hates the people he invites to his state. But he needs their money.

Let’s remove statehood from the “Sunshine State.”


My daughter and her family live in Florida. More accurately, they exist in Florida. The weather is horrible: hot and humid. Other than public beaches, the average Floridian cannot afford the theme parks and other attractions designed to captivate the interest of tourists.

My daughter and her daughters are progressive and have difficulty with many of those in authority whose thought process is often aimed in a backwards direction. I admire my daughter and son-in-law for raising two young women who are extremely intelligent, and are encouraged to use free thought and the facts available to form decisions about their own lives.

It is no surprise that they object to DeSantis’ efforts to remove all books from schools and libraries which offer the truth about our nation’s people now, and in the past. They cannot understand his hatred for the LGBTQ community, or why DeSantis has chosen to wage war against transgender children. Most of all they are angry about his attitude towards women and their fight for equality. After they attended one of the Women’s Marches in 2017, my daughter told her girls that America has never had a woman president, The youngest was very upset and screamed “what!”

I know you can tell by my rants that I could never live where I wasn’t wanted, including all red states or the purple state of Florica. I am not a Democrat or a Republican. I define myself as a “progressive independent.”


Of course I read a lot. I listen to the opinions of others on television. I never watch “news” on television, I demand the truth. Although I may not always like it, I want to hear what all Americans have to say about everything.

That said, I can only assume that Trump supporters, and supporters of Ron DeSantis, are the least informed people in our nation. Their opposition to the very core beliefs of our Founding Fathers is unforgivable.

Whether they like it or not, America is becoming a more beautiful nation every year. Not only is our original diverse population growing, the number of relationships between Americans of different colored skin, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and even faiths have become the norm.

This does not represent Trump’s image of America’s future.

I am disappointed because growing up in Los Angeles in the 1950’s and 1960’s, I was aware of the difficulty faced by men and women of color in the Deep South and elsewhere, but I believed the situation would improve with each generation. I was wrong.

I underestimated the fact that millions of parents teach their children hatred in many parts of our country. Hate is such a strong and foolish emotion, once someone has grown up with dark and unwarranted beliefs, change becomes difficult.

This fact alone is why I despise Donald Trump. He moved our nation backwards over four long years, and it will take twice as long to repair the damage.

Finally, voting is our most important right, but it is also a responsibility. Please make voting in every election a priority. November 5th will decide which path our nation will take for the remainder of the 21st century.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon

Source: https://www.tampabay.com/news/florida-politics/2024/06/26/florida-will-not-comply-with-us-surgeon-generals-gun-violence-advisory-desantis-says/




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