Assassination Attempt or Photo Op?

QOp--ed by TheWiseOldFart

Another reason television news sucks is when a story involving sensationalism happens, it is repeated for days.

This is the situation with what has been reported as an assassination attempt against former illegitimate president, Donald Trump.

The more I see the clips, the more questions I have. The most logical and obvious are, “why didn’t members of law enforcement or the secret service see the shooter before he began his assault?” Several members of Trump’s cult, as well as reporters and cameramen pointed to a building just outside of the venue where someone was crawling on top of a building.

Second, if Trump was grazed by a bullet on his right ear, where did the bullet go. He was standing in front of dozens of men and women, and no one in that vicinity was injured. Did that bullet disintegrate?


Shortly after Trump’s illegitimate election in 2016, he attended an economic conference in Europe in 2017. When the press received a photo op, Trump was seen pushing another world leader aside to be in front of the cameras. The expression is “attention whore.”

On June 1, 2020, knowing he was losing in the polls, Trump made a rash decision, as he has many times in his pitiful life. He desperately wanted to create a publicity stunt. He quickly assembled a few members of his staff, along with Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, and a small contingent of armed members of the military.

Outside the White House gate there was a significant gathering of peaceful protestors. When the gates were opened, with the military leading the procession, Trump stepped into Lafayette Park. The military began shooting rubber bullets and exploding teargas cannisters to disperse American citizens exercising their First Amendment rights.

They marched on towards St. John’s Episcopal Church. They stopped in front of the church where Trump stood and faced the camera, while holding a Bible upside down, and made a short and intelligible speech. All this for a photo op.


Trump was about to begin another of his infamous hate speeches about the same old things, while mumbling and stumbling through the process which is always painful to watch, when shots rang out.

During the attack, Trump reached up to touch the right side of his face, and disappeared behind the podium. It appeared that a group of secret service agents rushed towards the orange buffoon to protect him from further injury.

Someone managed to get a close-up of Trump’s face. There was a trickle of blood running down his cheek.

Here’s where what I saw did not fit what I know.

If a bullet did strike his face, he would have recoiled in shock. Trump slightly lifted his head and moved out of view with his hand on the right side of his face.

As Trump was pushed towards the right side of the stage, he looked into the cameras and raised his right fist in defiance. This is not the real Donald Trump.

Trump is a coward: this is an undeniable fact, and yet he used the shooting for another photo op.

I know Trump is not “normal.” However, knowing that he was not seriously injured, with the exception of a scratch, he never once looked towards anyone in attendance, concerned about their safety. I am aware that Trump is totally immersed in himself, but I find this upsetting.


I have learned one fact in life; never be surprised when a desperate man does the unthinkable.

Trump is a very desperate man. If he fails to win in November, he will certainly end up in prison. If he wins another rigged election, he will definitely pardon himself. He was recently given unlimited power by a corrupted Supreme Court.

Trump violated the two most serious federal laws in our nation. He committed treason on January 6, 2021 when he attempted to overturn the results of a democratic election. When he was evicted from the White House on January 20, 2021, he violated the Espionage Act when he stole dozens of classified documents and hid them throughout Mar-a-Lago.

I will not accuse or speculate about what happened in Pennsylvania. However, I know he befriended professional wrestlers in the past. I know one trick they us to draw blood intentionally. They hold a razor blade between their first two fingers, and when struck on the side of the head, they make a small cut to their ear or face. All head wounds bleed profusely.


The shooter appeared to be a normal 20-year-old. He was a registered Republican, and would have voted in his first presidential election.

However, his personal life has yet to be investigated. Was he a Trump supporter, or did he become angry about the harm Trump caused to his country.

We know he purchased the rifle legally, but what motivated this violent and deadly attack?

I want to know how he could have missed Trump, if he was the primary target. Trump would be almost impossible to miss. He is a very large man, almost as big around as he is tall, standing in the center of the rally, alone without distractions.


I always ask questions no one else will. I have learned to be a skeptic and trust no one in power who possesses extreme wealth or has access to limitless cash.

People who fit into the former categories live in a different world. They fear nothing, knowing they are above the law, and will do anything to maintain their lives of luxury and privilege.

So, I have questions; I have doubts. “Inquiring minds want to know.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

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