At the RNC, Republican Politicians Bragged About a “Better Life” with Trump as Your Illegitimate President


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Last week the Republican National Convention was held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There were a lot of loud speeches, without original content. Kissing Trump’s humongous derriere was mandatory. Truthfully, most of it was a “sleepfest.” The worst came at the end when Trump accepted the nomination. He set an all-time record for length of an acceptance speech filled with lies, undecipherable comments, and more bragging and complaining, sometimes in the same sentence.

I did get one huge laugh from the speeches when someone I never saw or heard of claimed that four years ago, when Trump was your illegitimate president, life in America was better than today. I have no idea what country he was living in between 2017 and 2021, but it definitely wasn’t mine.


Four years ago in July, thousands of Americans were dying every month from the ravages of Covid-19. Many of those lives were directly attributable to Trump’s inability and unwillingness to lead our nation in a time of crisis.

Although Trump learned about the probability of a health crisis coming to America before 2020, he refused to do anything. He first learned about the situation in December of 2019. His advice to the American people in January of 2020: “America is better prepared. It will just go away.”

In March, as the virus began to infect Americans, and deaths began to mount, Trump suggested options he believed would kill the virus, including a horse medication, drinking bleach, and shining a bright light up your poop hole. This man was actually sworn in as your president.

The best day experienced by real Americans four years ago was November 3, 2020 when we learned that an infestation which caused great harm to America would be evicted from the White House on January 20, 2021.

In December of 2020, our nation’s economy was rushing towards another great depression. Trump’s failed “trickle-down” economic policy, combined with huge tax breaks for the super-rich, his use of the national treasury as his personal bank, and forced massive unemployment and closed businesses related to Covid-19 resulted in enormous financial harm to millions of Americans. He alone is responsible for adding three-trillion dollars to the national debt.

If this was “better” than today, that speaker was indeed a masochist.


President Biden took office on January 20, 2021. His situation was similar to that of President Barack Obama in 2009. Two Republican presidents, I believe the worst two in history, caused enormous harm to our nation. Both Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden were forced to spend all their time undoing the damage caused by two right-wing failures.

Trump left office without leaving even the beginnings of a plan to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine. Millions of Americans were without income. And Americans continued to die from the effects of the pandemic.

Timely action by President Biden saved thousands of lives. His stimulus checks stabilized an economy in steep decline. This is the difference between a president with experience, and a desire to improve the lives of all Americans. The antithesis is Donald John Trump.

Republicans are the past, and the past is dark and dismal. Every other developed nation is choosing to move forward. A second term for Trump would place us in a position where the principles, morals, and ideals of America would be nothing but a memory.

Vote and vote wisely. There is nothing more to say.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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