Crooked Federal Judge Delays Trump’s Espionage Act Trial Until he is Able to Pardon Himself

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Trump is clearly guilty of violating the Espionage Act, a federal law punishable by death if broken. However, Judge Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by Trump, continues to delay the trial until after the election. If he wins the election, he will pardon himself for his heinous crime. Another of Trump’s many, many crimes will go unpunished.

Her excuse is based on the immoral and illegal decision by the Supreme Court about presidential immunity. Your president is above the law.

Sentencing for his hush money case when he was convicted of 34 felonies is even more ridiculous. He was not your president when he committed those crimes. Originally sentencing was scheduled for five days from today. However, that, too, has been delayed until September, or later.


In my 78 years, I have learned one sad fact: No one in power, or in possession of enormous wealth can be trusted. They control our country and therefore our people, and have no interest in the welfare of the majority. They know that if charged with their crimes, they will never be punished. This is America in the 21st century.

This is extremely painful for me. I am an original baby boomer, born in 1946. I was raised by a single mother with the assistance of her parents and one of her brothers.

We lived in Los Angeles. I was educated in Parochial Schools through the tenth grade. Like every other child in my age group, I was raised to “respect my elders,” and everyone in authority. Today I continue to respect my late mother, but only her. Anyone else who wants my respect and trust must earn it; and that’s not easy. I have been disappointed many times in my life.

I have been interested in politics since I was ten years old. When I finished my last “real” job in 2010. I secured a position with a Las Vegas based newspaper in 2012, and have been writing since that time, mostly about American politics. It’s a dirty profession and writing about it is often unpleasant, but someone has to tell the truth.


It is a fact, not a joke. Being a professional politician is without a doubt the ugliest profession in the world. Most of their time is spent telling lies, or trying to hide the truth. Most are corrupt. Without term limits or any other constraints, once they become powerful and wealthy, their goals become more about greater power and greater wealth than serving their constituents.


Judges are even more powerful, often making decisions which either end the lives of the men and women on trial before them, or change their futures in ways that their very existence is a challenge.

However, a corrupt judge who knowingly punishes the innocent, or aids and abets the guilty, is the greatest villain in the world. This appears to be the situation with Donald John Trump.

I watched the January 6 insurrection, I watched the film when the FBI raided Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago and found stacks of hidden national secrets. I wrote about crimes he committed long before he became your illegitimate president. However, “whte collar crimes” often go unpunished, wile possession of marijuana has and still can place a man or woman of little means in prison for years.


“America is not a country, it’s a business.” Money and power can buy anything in our country. Not once in my lifetime has a man or woman with great wealth, or a politician with powerful supporters been fairly punished for their crimes.

For many of our nation’s judges, a line I heard when I was much younger applies: “Money talks and bullshit walks.” In America, when someone has the financial ability to buy the best attorneys, or find a way to appear before judges whose campaigns received large contributions from the accused, they receive nothing more than a “slap on the hands.”

However if you or I find ourselves charged with a crime, guilty or not, we might be convicted and spend years in a state or federal detention facility.


Fact: Trump has been protected by men with money and power for decades. These men include public officials he paid for, and leaders of foreign nations who wanted “favors” from him in return. He pardoned multiple criminals while pretending to be your president. They were all evil men who should have paid for their crimes against humanity. “Birds of a feather, flock together.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

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