Elections and Politicians Can be Bought, but Republicans are Making it Difficult

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Between 2017 and 2021, Trump accomplished only one verifiable success: tax cuts for the super-rich. This is the only reason why most of America’s 813 billionaires support Trump in 2024. Republicans support the current plutocracy. Without their money, the right-wing would lose every election and fade away into the place where bad memories are kept. 

Fact: most elections are won by the candidate with the biggest war chest. However, in 2024, the party on the right side of the aisle is making it difficult. They adopted a platform which has been described as a “dystopian, fake-masculine, anti-LGBTQ, anti-immigrant vision of America.” It’s called Project 2025, or as Trump calls it, “Agenda47.” I’m not sure that even the super-rich can support such horrible list of fascist ideas. 

This 920-page document, compiled by the Heritage Foundation with the assistance of more than 200 former employees of Donald Trump, is entirely contradictory to the intent of the Constitution of the United States of America. 


The most dangerous plan in Project 2025 involves the role of the President of the United States. 

First, a little history. 

When our Founding Fathers designed our country’s system of governance, priority number one was preventing a president from becoming an autocrat. Therefore, of all three branches, the executive, legislative, and judicial, the legislative branch was given slightly more power. If necessary, congress can prevent a president from abuse of power. 

This all changed when a corrupt and biased Supreme Court made a ruling which gave presidents nearly unlimited power with complete immunity. The Court’s job is to protect the Constitution. Six justices on this fascist Court are shredding the Law of the Land piece by piece. 

Project 2025 would give the president even more power and the right to declare himself the “permanent ruler of the United States.  


Most Americans reject the policies, or lack of, offered by “Republicans.” The men and women on the right side of the aisle do nothing but complain, lie, mislead, and carry out the demands of “Big Adolf.” 

My age group has dominated Republican’s largest base for decades. However, we are leaving our earthly lives quickly. Younger Americans are unlikely to align with any political party. They are wiser than my generation. Only Independents vote intelligently. Voting for any candidate based on party affiliation displays nothing but ignorance. 


Although money can buy politicians, and even an entire political party, it cannot buy the votes of real Americans. The best example of this fact is the 2020 election. Trump was soundly defeated in both the popular vote and the Electoral College. HIs “big lie” is nothing but bullshit. More than 60 state courts and the Supreme Court rejected every appeal. Our country will not begin healing until Trump is no longer supported by the mainstream media. The orange buffoon has yet to say something interesting or intelligent. 

On November 5th, there must be a repeat of 2020. Whether the Democratic nominee is President Biden, or Vice-President Kamala Harris, either will be the only real American seeking the presidency. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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