Oh Happy Day, When Freedom Wins

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Over the last few days, I have felt something I thought I had lost. I have been happy, and I feel what I thought I would never feel again: hope for my country.

It reminds me of the Star Wars movies: the force of evil is losing its strength, and the force of good is becoming stronger. Joe Biden is Yoda, and Kamala Harris is Luke Skywalker. The ring has been passed, and the future is clear and filled with hope.

No one was excited about the next election, and one change, one person, has brought new interest and an excitement which has been missing since the end of 2016.


I talked to one of my brothers-in-law yesterday. He watches FOX News and chooses to be brainwashed. I asked him what he thought about Project 2025. He said, “none of that will happen.”

I wanted to ask him ‘where were you living between 2017 and 2021,’ but thought better of it. He’s a great guy and I didn’t want to ruin our relationship.

This is the problem with Trump supporters: they are not living in reality. Today’s corrupted Supreme Court recently paved the way for every plan in the 920-page document could become a reality if Putin’s Puppet was allowed to defile the White House again.


I don’t believe that Ms. Harris should be portrayed as a hero, and definitely not a villain. She must receive the support of all Americans because she is a woman who loves her country’s people and will work to improve the lives of every American. She is what a president should be; intelligent, dedicated, concerned with our nation’s future, strong, and tough when need be. She will be the leader our people need today. She will lead by example, not attempt to influence the people with lies and empty promises.


Evaluating our nations 46 presidents is easier than you might think. Historians have a list of reasons why each of them should be rated as “great,” “good,” “adequate,” “incompetent,” and “failure.”

The truth is only one issue matters for most of our country’s people: quality of life.

To be truthful, few presidents were concerned with the quality of life for every man, woman, and child in America. This is why I will always consider Franklin D. Roosevelt as our nation’s greatest leader.

All 46 have been men; mostly older and white, with the exception of Barack Obama. Women and men are different, but you probably knew that. We are equal in every way, with the exception of the way we think. We see several things in a different way, based on our experiences throughout life.

Most of our presidents failed one or all of their responsibilities. Their priorities were misdirected.

The President of the United States is nothing more than a public servant with a more difficult job. Most sane humans would not want this challenging and often frustrating position. Few presidents listen to the people: their needs and wishes. Few have been willing to do the right thing every time, regardless of expected damage to their political careers.


This is what I expect from Kamala Harris. I hope that she will win in November and her agenda will be to place our nation’s people in priority number one. She will abandon our country’s current motto, “profit before people.”

Of course I expect her to choose great men and women as her closest advisers, and trust their opinions on the issues facing America.

I expect her to be strong when facing threats from our nation’s enemies, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and North Korea. However, I hope that she will be wise enough to understand the futility of violence as a solution to most situations.

I expect her to make America safe again, should our country be faced with another health emergency; not simply say “it will just go away.”

I expect her to take action against the greatest danger to our nation’s people in the 21st century; domestic terrorism.

Of all the issues facing America, including both the cost and need for universal healthcare, sensible immigration reform, women’s rights, protecting the rights of the LGBTQ community, pervasive racism in law enforcement, the cost of higher education, and protecting voting rights, the most important is fair taxation. The only reason our nation is in trillions of dollars of debt, and the gap in income inequality continues to grow at an alarming rate, is because corporations and the super-rich fail to pay their fair share of taxes.

“Trickle-down economics” never worked and never will. The super-rich are greedy and the only reason why “Greedflation” continues to harm the average family.

Finally, I hope the momentum during the first week of Kamala Harris’ candidacy continues through November. Democracy and our freedoms can be saved. The world will be a better place when Trump and his fascist army become a fading nightmare: the darkest days in our nation’s history.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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