Once Again, the Media Displays its Support for the Right Wing
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Regardless of which major news network you watch or read,
you are being lied to. The mainstream media fails to offer their viewers and
readers the complete truth about anything political since 2016. It has been
obvious over the last eight years that millionaires and billionaires stick
It doesn’t matter to those reporting the news on television
that all right-wing politicians have become the enemies of the majority. These
professional politicians, (pardon the foul language), are millionaires and
billionaires, and they are a small but powerful club which shares a common
goal: more money.
In 2024 there are more than 22 million millionaires and 813
billionaires in America. These numbers increased over the pandemic. How? In
America, money is king and the men and women who compose the working class are
considered peasants. Unlike Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, David Brinkley,
and others who were paid working man’s wages for their reporting, today’s news
“personalities” are paid millions to entertain, not to report the facts. Their
employers, like Rupert Murdoch, are billionaires. Republicans have almost
eliminated taxes for the super-rich and large corporations.
Adjectives are overused and have more influence than they
deserve. The networks covering the recent Republican National Convention were misleading
the American people in their praise for Trump and his fascist party.
They used words like “unified,” “enthusiastic,” “motivated,”
etc., etc., etc. Not once did any of these fake journalists point out the many
lies and misleading comments from the many hypocrites who took the stage and
shouted out their ludicrous and undeserved praise for Trump and all
“Republican” candidates.
The media refers to Trump as “unusual,” “different,” “spontaneous,”
“an outsider,” and other generous and non-specific terms. Adjectives are
misleading and often elevate the actual meaning of the nouns they modify.”
What they have never used are the nouns which accurately
describe the real Donald Trump. What he is: a pathological liar, a fascist, a
convicted felon, a sexual predator, a tool of Valdimir Putin, a malignant narcissist,
and a divider, not a uniter, to echo the words of George W. Bush.
I remember those respected journalists of old. They reported
the news, facts only, in one-half hour every evening. Today’s opinionated
broadcasters are incapable of informing the American people about what they
need to know in 24 hours, or longer.
Our founding fathers knew that the document they signed in
1789 was not perfect; it was a beginning. They believed that the men who served
our country in the future would improve upon the Constitution. However, greed
and ambition have been strong forces which resulted in misinterpretation and
misuse of the words penned by our Founding Fathers. For 248 years most politicians
have failed to improve anything with the exception of their own quality of
To improve America, some of the most important changes would
be term limits for all three branches of our government, and ensuring that
every vote counts by eliminating the Electoral College. The Second Amendment must
be rewritten or revoked. It is ambiguous, and controversial. This needs to
happen now. There are other parts of several Amendments which must be defined
clearly for all men to understand.
I also believe that the line in the First Amendment which
protects the “freedom of the press” must be removed. The fourth estate no
longer exists and today’s pretenders do not deserve any form of protection.
America is having difficulty; it’s hard to breathe in today’s
environment. If people do not move forward, they are moving backwards. No person,
no country, can simply stand still and survive.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Find my novels on Amazon
Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/18/2255409/-US-media-has-fallen-and-some-formerly-in-its-ranks-sound-the-alarm-You-go-Jen-Rubin?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
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