Our Closest Allies Are “Scared Shitless” About the Possibility of a Trump/Vance Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

If one fact would keep you from thinking about giving your precious vote to Trump, this would be it. 

No nation, including ours, can survive alone in today's dangerous world. Our closest allies in Europe have expressed their fears of another Trump Presidency. 

Over a short period of time, 2017-2021, Trump separated America from nations who fought in WWII, and those who once fought against us. These close ties required years of work to gain trust and respect. Much of this was intentionally destroyed by Trump and his party. President Biden has restored these relationships, but Trump would destroy them again. Trump and Putin share the same goal: destroy NATO, the alliance which has prevented WWIII. 

[Europe’s fears are that a second Trump term would drastically reduce transatlantic security ties, increase tariffs and sever critical US support for Ukraine.] 


They have right to be scared; I’m scared. I am 78 and have loved this country for my entire life. I know that “hate” is a strong and horrible word, but I hate Trump and his party for the damage they have done to our nation. We are divided to the same degree we were during the Civil War. Millions of Americans have chosen to be ignorant about the facts. Trump and his fake Republicans are intentionally dividing us to secure votes. They don’t give a damn about you or me, they do everything for themselves. 

I have become so skeptical of everyone on the right side of the aisle, law enforcement, judges, including the Supreme Court, and even church leaders that I trust no one. 

I have been questioning what law enforcement is calling an “attempted assassination” last Saturday. I continue to feel that way because no one is offering answers to some basic questions.  

I have changed, more importantly, I have been changed. Trump’s entire life is based on lies. Although he is following one of his hero’s philosophies in 1930’s Germany, believing that if you tell a lie often enough, the people will eventually accept it as fact, this is not true for me. I question everything until I receive an acceptable answer. 

I become angry when I am forced to watch ads paid for by right-wing politicians while watching my favorite television shows. Every word is a lie. 

The right-wing cannot survive when the truth is known. Facts are their greatest enemies. 


Polls show that most Americans support a woman’s right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, LGBTQ rights, universal healthcare, free or affordable higher education, fair taxation, protecting voting rights, ending racism and bigotry, and social programs which aid low-income and impoverished Americans, which compose one-half of all Americans. All men and women who pretend to be Republicans are opposed to each and every one of these issues. 

These fake conservatives continue to ignore the fact that domestic terrorism continues to grow in America. They reject the fact that military style assault rifles, high-output magazines, and bump stocks should not be owned by anyone other than the military and law enforcement. These weapons and accessories have a single purpose: to kill a huge number of human beings in the shortest period of time. If the right-wing had common sense, they would agree. 


Trump admits that on the day he was sworn in he knew nothing about NATO. This is unforgivable. He remains ignorant, discounting the importance of having friends around the world.  

Trump’s lack of knowledge about everything is apparent, and the primary reason he cannot wear the label of President of the United States. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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