Questions Unanswered: Assassination or a Deadly Show?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I am not suggesting anything. However, I want to know answers to a few questions about the events of last Saturday.

The mainstream media supports Trump and will not have the courage to ask these questions, but someone must. Remember, Trump allowed thousands of Americans to die from the effects of Covid-19. With no knowledge of what to do or how to do it, he told the American people “it will just go away,” until our nation’s people began to die in March of 2020. Face it, my friends, Donald Trump doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and will do or say anything to accomplish his personal ambitions.


Secret Service agents are generally well-trained. One of their most important skills is to closely survey large crowds constantly without distraction. They keep their heads and eyes moving at all times looking for what they don’t want to find, a possible threat to the person they are assigned to protect.

So, although multiple people saw the shooter crawling on a roof top just outside the venue, the exceptions were the Secret Service agents assigned to prevent harm to Donald Trump.

If they purposely ignored the threat, why? Something is very wrong with this picture.


When the shooting began, Trump reached for his right ear with his right hand and lowered himself behind the podium.

If you’ve been stung by a bee or even annoyed by a persistent housefly, your first reaction is to move your head away from the sting or the irritation. There was virtually no movement from Trump, with the exception of his right hand.

A second part of this question: did anyone in the medical profession confirm that Trump’s minor injury was from a bullet, or some sort of cut?


Where’s the bullet?

Trump was standing in front of a wall of people. If a bullet grazed his ear, where did it go from there?

It is logical to assume that someone in the crowd would have been injured from the projectile. The shooter used a powerful weapon and the tip of an ear would not deflect the bullet to any significant degree.

I am not suggesting that Trump used this old trick but I considered the possibility.

Years ago I watched a story about “professional wrestling.” Intelligent people know that most of what we see is a show, and this quasi documentary revealed how some of the actions which happen in the ring are accomplished without serious injury.

There’s an old saying in the world of wrestling: “red means green.” This refers to what happens when an injury resulting in a show of blood happens from a head butt, or an elbow to the face, anything which could cause harm to their opponents. This often results in increased attendance, sales of merchandise, etc.

One wrestler revealed a small “trick” to the show’s host. A small razor blade is held between the wrestler’s first two fingers. When he is struck in the head, he reaches for the injury and makes a slight cut to his face or possibly his ear. Any injury to the head bleeds freely, regardless of how big or small.

I’m simply offering you something to think about.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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