Shred the Constitution: Laws Only apply to Low-Income and Impoverished Americans: R.I.P. United States of America


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

If you refused to believe me the many times I reported the truth, you will believe me now.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump bragged about being above the law. You might remember that he claimed that he could shoot someone in Times Square, and a jury would never convict him.

Trump was impeached for cause in 2019 and 2021. Before the required trials in the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell declared him innocent of all charges. Once again, a guilty man was given a free pass based on power and wealth.

Today, a federal judge, appointed by Trump, dismissed charges against our nation’s biggest criminal for violating the Espionage Act.

Aileen Cannon declared Trump above the law; again.


Here’s the true story of a crime committed by a former president who violated a federal law so serious, it is punishable by death.

On January 20, 2021, Trump moved out of the White House, taking with him an estimated fourteen boxes of national secrets. When the National Archives discovered them missing, it was easy to determine who was responsible.

The FBI became involved. An agent contacted Trump, who admitted he had taken classified material. For some strange reason, he said that they belonged to him, but promised to return them. The National Archives received some boxes a short time later. However, an inventory revealed that Trump returned only a part of what he had illegally removed from the White House. Eventually, the FBI raided Trump’s residence inside Mar-a-Lago. They found national secrets hidden throughout the millionaire’s resort. When Trump’s lawyers were preparing for his hush money trial, his attorneys found more classified documents, which were returned to the White House.

Trump was clearly guilty of two crimes: theft of classified documents and lying to the FBI.

However, Cannon dismissed the obvious crime with a bullshit and baseless excuse. “The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution,”

Like the United States Supreme Court, also biased in favor of Trump and his American Fascist Party, Cannon is making up her own laws.


There is no part of government or law enforcement which can be trusted in the 21st century. Remember, it began with the 2000 election when another biased Court interfered in the election process and gave the presidency to George W. Bush. There is little hope for our nation’s future.

Throughout our nation’s history the rich and powerful never pay for their crimes. Laws apply only to the majority, the less fortunate, who are always punished to the full extent of the law.

Thanks to a corrupt judicial system, the Constitution is null and void. Without our nation’s most precious and sacred document, America no longer exists. We are all living in a country I no longer recognize. The plutocracy, supported and protected by a fascist government now rule our nation.

Please vote in November: it could be the last free election in American history.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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