Sorry, (not Sorry), Republicans, but the Truth and Nothing but the Truth
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
If you support Trump, you are a Neo-Nazi Fascist. Deny it
all you want, but the proof is in the new Republican handbook, Project 2025,
and Trump’s personal “Agenda 47.” They are virtually one and the same, and
every action suggested in the documents mirror Adolf Hitler’s playbook in 1930’s
When I was a child, my parents, uncles, aunts, and
grandparents were celebrating the defeat of Adolf Hitler and the end of
fascism. Today, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, men and women calling themselves “Republicans”
are celebrating the revival of fascism in America.
In an unusual display of honesty, those calling themselves “Republicans”
today must change the name of their party to “The American Fascist Party.”
Not a single man or woman will tell the truth. On-camera men
and women are forbidden from performing their duties as members of the Fourth
Fact: in 2024 the terms “Republicans,” and “Fascism” are
synonyms. If only someone other than me would tell the truth.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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