The 2016 Election was Rigged: Trump and Putin Colluded, and Treason was the Crime

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I want to tell you about a story which was never reported by the television media, proving that the fourth estate no longer exists.

You might remember that when Robert Mueller’s long overdue report was revealed, Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr, redacted everything but a few pages. “Redacted” is a political word used instead of “censored.”

In August of 2020, just three months before the election, the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee issued a report confirming collusion between Trump’s campaign and Vladimir Putin. However, this information was hidden from the voting public.

If this sounds similar, it’s because it is. In October of 2016, a meeting was held in the Oval Office. President Obama, Vice-President Biden, the leaders of both parties, and the heads of 14 national security agencies were in attendance.

The subject discussed was Russian interference in the 2016 election. It was confirmed. However this information was hidden from the American people.

This proves that Trump’s presidency was illegitimate. He committed treason and never should have been sworn in. This is irrefutable proof that Trump is a Russian asset, and Putin is his handler.


This is a question I cannot answer. However, I can offer two suppositions.

First is the greatest danger to the future of America in the 21st century. Politics and politicians are void of morals and principles. They have only one interest: increasing their power and personal wealth.

Republicans cannot win elections without a plethora of lies and baseless conspiracy theories. They have done and will do anything to remain in office. One fact proves that right-wing policies are unpopular with most Americans. Because of their regressive plans for our nation, only once since 1992 has a Republican presidential candidate won the popular vote. That was in 2004 when George W. Bush ran for reelection. The tragedies of 9/11 remained in everyone’s mind, and in an action similar to when our nation was at war, our country does not change leaders.

Consider this: if the Electoral College, which gives states the right to choose our president, did not exist, every vote would count and the two worst presidents in American history would never have been elected. Al Gore would have been our 43rd president in 2000, and Hillary Clinton our 45th and first female president in 2016. None of the bullshit screwing up our country today would have occurred.

I may not have a lot of hope for our federal government, but I can still dream.

My second supposition is that a much larger number of our federal government is loyal to Trump and therefore Putin than I once believed.

It is clear that millions of Americans would accept the end of democracy and the establishment of an autocratic government.

Trump must not be allowed to claim the title of President of the United States again. He never was our president and never will be.


Finally over the last few days, I have moved towards other writers, leaders of nation’s friendly to America, and large donors including Disney, and calling for the President to remove himself from consideration in November.

I learned that a recent interview on ABC was not as it seemed. The Washington Post claims that George Stephanopoulos was given a list of questions to ask the President. Regardless, his answers were nearly as poorly delivered as they were during the debate.

I have the same goal this year as I had in 2020: to save our country from Trump, his fascist horde, and from his handler, Vladimir Putin.

Right here, right now, I join with others who fear for their country’s future and offer my support to Vice-President Kamala Harris. I know that she would be a great president. She is 59 years old, and very qualified to lead our nation.

No one was “excited” about a rematch between Trump and Biden. I believe that Ms. Harris would change that situation.

Months ago I criticized Republicans for not offering their full support to Nikki Haley. I am not a fan of her and her hypocritical actions. However, she would have defeated Joe Biden. It is highly unlikely that a single Democrat or a large number of Independents will waste their votes for an old, obese, white man who is not a patriotic American.

Please vote: Kamala Harris in 2024.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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