Trump Was Lying: We Know Because his Lips were Moving

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The last time Trump told the truth was during the 2016 campaign when he claimed, “this election is rigged.” We now have proof that his campaign staff was in collusion with Vladimir Putin, and the election was illegitimate.

Trump is desperate to distance himself from policies established by the Heritage Foundation called “Project 2025.” To sum up its contents, it is a list of fascist actions which would begin on day one if Trump wins the 2024 election.

The truth is that every action proposed by Project 2025 was suggested by Trump during his hate rallies. By his own words and actions we know that he is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. By his own words, he plans to become a dictator. By his own words, he will attempt to take revenge on anyone who dares disagree with him.


The mainstream media is as corrupt as our government in Washington. If any Democrat had been convicted of a single felony, for sexual misconduct, attempted a coup, or stole national secrets while lying to the FBI, it would be the top story every day. If it was Joe Biden who wrote the script for Project 2025, even the news agencies would be demanding his resignation from the campaign.

However, the Fourth Estate committed suicide with the illegitimate presidency of Donald John Trump. All mainstream media outlets have supported Trump since 2015. This is undeniable; the records prove that Trump’s moronic actions and anti-American rhetoric are favored by the media because his sensational and immoral actions sell advertising.


Trump never worked a day while pretending to be your president: he doesn’t know the meaning of the word. From his own mouth he tells us that he is not an American and would never act like an American president. He would once again focus solely on the people who support him, and no one else.

Mr. Biden saved thousands of lives. Immediately after being sworn in. He and his advisers created a plan to distribute the Covid-19 vaccine. Trump cost thousands of Americans their lives by refusing to take immediate action in December of 2019 when he was warned that a deadly virus was coming to America. “It will just go away” did not happen.

President Biden is loyal to every man, woman, and child in America. Trump is loyal to Vladimir Putin.

Only a patriotic American should be allowed to wear the title of President of the United States.


As I write this, Democratic politicians are meeting in Washington. They will decide if they will support the President’s nomination during next month’s national convention.

I am anxious to learn their decision. My emotions are all over the place.

If Mr. Biden is not the Democratic nominee, it will likely be Vice-President Kamala Harris. I admire both of them.

The President has accomplished much more than I expected. I have enormous respect for him, his devotion to his country, and the man he has become over the last 52 years as a Senator, Vice-President, and now the President.

I have the same admiration and respect for Ms. Harris. She was my choice during the 2020 primaries. Her accomplishments, work ethic, and concern for the future of the American people are extraordinary. If not now, someday she will make a great president.

Finally, I am old enough to have experienced 13 presidents. I was too young to remember anything about Harry Truman.

I cannot honestly say that they were all great or even good. In fact I consider two of them the worst in American history. However, I believe that all but one sought the presidency because they loved their country, and believed they would perform their duties efficiently and to the best of their ability.

Trump did nothing for four years with the exception of lining his pockets with money from foreign nations, and use taxpayer money to live the life of a real billionaire. He wants to repeat his crimes against his country. He will use his position to pardon himself for his many, many crimes.

He must not be allowed to defile our White House for a second time.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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