Trump’s VP: Who Cares?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

The old, obese, man is slowing down. He held his first hate rally since the debate nearly two weeks ago. I didn’t read the “lowlights,” because I’m sure it was filled with more lies, more complaints, and more attacks on President Biden, and most likely, Vice-President Kamala Harris, among others. 

However, he was expected to discuss his choices for a running mate. I don’t know why anyone cares. One of three men will simply fill the role of the man Trump ordered killed on January 6, 2020, Mike Pence. 

His job will be consumed with covering up for Trump’s mistakes, lying without end, and kissing his humongous derriere constantly without any feeling of shame that he has surrendered all of his self-respect. 

All three share one aspect with Trump: none are qualified to be our president, which is the primary purpose of a vice-president. Trump will be an octogenarian one-and-one-half years after the election. The orange buffoon is showing signs of rapid mental and physical decline. 


In the past, all three of his top three choices, Marco Rubio, J.D.Vance, and Doug Burgum, attacked Trump, and in different ways claimed that he was unfit to be America’s president. 

"He is a con artist," Rubio said. "He runs on this idea he is fighting for the little guy, but he has spent his entire career sticking it to the little guy — his entire career." Marco Rubio 

“I’m a Never Trump guy,” Vance said in an interview with Charlie Rose in 2016, a clip used in both the new ads. “I never liked him.” J.D. Vance 

"I don't think so," Burgum responded. Asked why, he said, "I just think that it's important that you're judged by the company you keep." Doug Burgum when asked if he would do business with Trump. 

Now, all three are keeping their noses as far up Trump’s anus as possible, begging to be chosen as his VP. They have all said good-bye to self-respect and integrity. They are real Republicans in the 21st century. 


If Trump is elected, he will be a dictator. We know this is true because he told us so, and he never lies! 

Any man who accepts Trump’s selection as a running mate is a fool. He will have no part in Trump’s evil plans for our nation’s future. He will wear a title, and become a tool without his humanity or manhood.  

History proves that only on a rare occasion does a vice-president have an important role in our government. The truth is that politicos like me would have a great amount of difficulty nameing more than a handful of vice-presidents since the beginning of the 20th century, and fail miserably farther in our past. 

If that vice-president ran for the presidency, it is easier. However, I doubt that 1 in 1,000 could name Richard Nixon’s first Vice-President. I doubt 1 in 10,000 could name Gerald Ford’s Vice-President. 

Okay, you Googled it, and you know that Spiro Agnew was Nixon’s first, but was forced to resign. Nelson Rockefeller was VP under Ford.  

One final question: who was VP under George H.W. Bush? Okay, no time to Google: it was one of the most ignorant men in the world: Dan Quayle. Anyone remember “potato or potatoe?” 


The November election will be the most critical in our nation’s history. My opinion is that it will be President Biden, Vice-President Harris, or , God forbid, the worst man in the world, Donald Trump. 

Who is the first in line for the presidency will not be of any importance initially, but could be in the near future. Currently, the principals are Biden and Trump. Both men can be considered octogenarions at the ages of 78 and 81.  

I am in that position. Overall, I am in good health. However, God forbid, I could have a major heart attack, stroke, or be involved in a fall or other accident which could end my life immediately. 

Trump has apprently decided that only three white men are in consideration. None of them are qualified to run a lemonade stand. 

President Biden’s Vice-President, Kamala Harris is extremely qualified and would be a great president.  

If you don’t believe that a President of the United States must be intelligent, experienced, and posses a high moral standard and enormous integrity, then vote for Trump. 

It’s your funeral 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novelson Amazon 


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