Unaware of the Video Camera, Trump Reveals his Lack of Intelligence and his Desperation to Win in November

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

With a limited vocabulary, and a slow and diseased brain, Trump once again resorts to name calling and personal attacks during another day on a golf course riding in a cart with son, Barron.

“How did I do with the debate the other night? I kicked that old broken-down pile of crap,” he said in footage obtained by The Daily Beast and later shared by Trump on his Truth Social feed.

When Trump is involved, there never was and never will be a debate. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed Trump to avoid answering questions over and over again. That’s when I turned the TV off.

“I got him out of there, and that means we have Kamala,” Trump boasted. “I think she’s gonna be better. She’s so bad. She’s pathetic.”

Trump is assuming that the President will end his campaign. He is “making an “ass out of ‘u’ and ‘me.’” Trump’s sexist beliefs heavily underestimate Vice-President Harris. Not only would she crush him in a debate, she will have the support of many demographics who remain uncommitted. No one really likes Donald Trump: he has no friends.


Trump is running scared. If he loses in November, he will face trials for multiple felonies, regardless of the Supreme Court’s efforts to place the orange buffoon above the law.

Writers eager to court readers continue to make the debate a much larger issue than it is. Yes, the President looked and acted tired, but that’s no surprise. He is a working president, not a pretender who golfed and partied at Mar-a-Lago for four years. His schedule when he occasionally resided in the White House, was between 11 and 3; no more, but maybe less.

It was a bad day, but not a sign that his campaign was over. Remember, unlike his opponent, Mr. Biden has many accomplishments to brag about. More importantly, he is an American.


Six members of the Supreme Court are laughing at the American people today. They know they are above the law with lifetime appointments and no way for anyone to punish for their crimes against America.

If Democrats retain control of the executive branch, the senate, and regain the House, they will find a way to restore law in America.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon

Source: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-crap-rant_n_6686447ae4b0940ade431a64





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