What Happens if Republicans and the Christian Religious Right Get What They Want

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Watching clips of the Republican Convention made me think of an idea I had for a novel after watching a disturbing television show. I know that the men and women I admire for their creativity and incredible variety of characters have achieved success beyond my belief. However, once in a while, I have ideas combined with imagination which excite me. “American Gothic” was a frightening television series which lasted for a single season. It came to mind when I thought about the RNC.

The show began with a typical American family on a vacation to experience America. It quickly devolved into a horrific tale about evil and the decline of humanity.

Plans for America’s future offered by fake Republicans last week misrepresented the intent of Project 2025. They attempted to create an image of a great future for America. I, and many others would like to offer you the truth.


The platform of today’s Republican Party in name only is founded upon a country devoted to fascist principles, ruled by a dictator whose only concern is his personal fulfillment.

Trump is not a religious man. He is the opposite of what it means to be a spiritual person. However, he is desperate to receive the votes of religious extremists, and offers the Christian Religious Right his support.

Project 2025 includes a plan to force Christianity on all Americans. This fascist manifesto calls for the establishment of Christianity as America’s one, true religion.

Now wait just a darn minute. This old fart is one of nearly 100 million Americans who rejects all organized religion. If the First Amendment is removed from the Bill of Rights, my right to freedom FROM religion will disappear. America will no longer be a nation with “liberty and justice for all.”

If this does happen, will the Crusades be reactivated? Will Trump order the military to rain fire and brimstone on all Muslim nations? Of course his friends in Saudi Arabia will be spared: he owes them.

Trump reversed the direction of our nation’s future. Until Trump and his fascist horde gained control of a large percentage of our nation’s people, my America was compassionate and understanding. Trump’s “people” are filled with anger, hatred, and a desire for revenge. I read the Bible: I don’t remember where these vile emotions were taught by Jesus Christ.


In 2016 Trump told his cult that “the election is rigged.” He was actually telling the truth for once. We now know that his team was colluding with Russia throughout the campaign season.

During the 2016 campaign season most men and women calling themselves Republicans professed their dislike and distrust for Trump. However, hypocrisy was not beneath them. On inauguration day every fake Republican bowed to their Fuhrer; their “Reagan 2.0.”

Sadly, most of the men and women calling themselves “Christians” today support hatred and violence and judge others without justification. I would like to inform these pretenders that if you ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ, you are not a Christian. You are just another hypocrite.


Two of the principal goals listed in Project 2025 are the two primary reasons our Founding Fathers left England. They escaped the monarchy, and King George’s edict declaring the Anglican Church was the one, true religion of the British Empire.

A system known as a Democratic Republic was created, with a “check and balance system” preventing any form of autocracy. These wise men considered the First Amendment the most important sentences ever composed. The beginning protects both the right of all Americans to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. Without this guarantee, there is no America.

Last week a biased and corrupted Supreme Court declared a president has absolute immunity, giving him powers unintended by our Founding Fathers. If Trump is elected, he will become a fascist dictator. Free and fair elections will end and only the super-rich will live in what was once America. All religious worship will be banned other than Christianity. This will include the removal of Catholic Churches and the Temples used by members of the Latter Day Saints.

If you are willing to accept the end of freedom and equality, vote for Trump. You will get just what you deserve.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Find my novels on Amazon

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/7/20/2252981/-When-the-GOP-forces-religion-into-schools-the-Satanic-Temple-complies?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_4&pm_medium=web


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