Why Would Anyone Who Loves America not Consider the Possibility that Someone Might Assassinate a Traitor to our Country?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I could never do it. I might think about it, but I find physical violence an act of ignorance, and a lack of ability to solve problems through deliberation and compromise. However, my disdain for Trump allows my thought process to drift into the darkest recesses of my mind and wish that Trump would go away and free our nation from a man who is pure evil: the most-hated man in the world.

Yesterday, July 13, 2024, a lone gunman apparently attempted to kill Donald Trump. The orange buffoon is partially to blame. Throughout his many rallies, Trump constantly preaches anger, hatred, revenge, and violence. Much of the harm resulting from Trump’s illegitimate presidency is irreversible. It is logical to assume that those who love our country would consider responding to Trump’s fascist agenda.


I cannot completely explain how I feel about Donald Trump, also known as “Big Adolf.” Consider this: what if you were an original baby boomer, born in 1946, and by the time you were in first grade, you had a little understanding about what the United States was, and how much most people loved their country.

A few years later, you learned in school and on television about WWII and how our brave soldiers defeated the German leader with the funny little mustache, and saved the world from fascism.

I grew up watching John Wayne movies and movies based on historical facts about the courage of individuals like Audie Murphy. Every school day began with the Pledge of Allegiance, and we were proud to recite the patriotic words. Sadly, those words have little meaning in 2024.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, America is no longer “indivisible,” and he clearly opposes “liberty and justice for all.”

America is not perfect, but progress had been made until 2017 when Trump became our illegitimate president.

This is why I wake up every morning, turn on my laptop, and check the news. A part of me is hoping that Trump had a stroke or heart attack during the night. Someone must make him pay for his never-ending crimes against all real Americans. He and his party already told us what a second Trump presidency would involve. Simply read the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025.”


Whatever triggered 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks to attempt killing another human being, we will probably never know. However, no one will say it, they lack the courage to tell the truth, but America has become an angry country.

Trump constantly lies, telling his “people” how terrible real Americans are, and encourages negative emotions.

I become angry when anyone from the right side of the aisle speaks in front of the television cameras. They refuse to tell the truth or answer direct questions, placing their agenda ahead of facts.


I am a novelist, but not in my wildest imagination could I ever have imagined that the presidential nominee of one of our major political parties would be a traitor who admits that his idols are Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Kim Jong-un, Mohammad bin Salman, and Rodrigo Duterte.

I don’t have “idols,” but I have great respect for most of our Founding Fathers, most significantly for me, Thomas Jefferson and George Washinton, I hold Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Dr. Martin Luther King in great esteem. The difference between me and Trump is that I cherish the memories of great Americans, not despots and dictators from foreign nations.

Finally, I am proud to be old, and old-fashioned. I have memories many of you would never understand. Life was simple when I was a young man. Most of my friends shared my interests, and none of us were wealthy. However, we were creative in everything we did because we had to, and that in itself was better than life today.

Most importantly, we were all patriotic. As we aged, we learned that not all of those who served us in Washington were worthy of our respect, but our country always came first.

Trump cannot be our president because he is not a true American. His ambitions include becoming a Fuhrer, ending free and fair elections, returning our nation to a country where whites were in control of everything, and establishing the Christian religion as the only one, true faith in America.

Hey “Big Adolf,” kiss my backside. You never were and never would be my president.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/heres-what-we-know-about-thomas-matthew-crooks-suspected-trump-rally-shooter-2024-07-14/


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