Will the Dream End at 248?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Today, July 4, 2024, all real Americans celebrate the Birth
of the New Nation, now 248 years old.. Our Founding Fathers signed the
Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I can’t imagine the excitement
Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, and the others felt as their dream had
The war with England was underway. The Revolutionary War
began in Lexington and Concord in April of 1775, and would not end until September
of 1783.
The United States of America has often been described as “the
Great Experiment.” Most factors were against the success of a new nation, founded
on freedom and equality for all. The two primary principles were the
elimination of an autocratic form of government and prevent what happened in
England, and the final reason our Founding Fathers came to the New World, religious
“Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes,
exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not
commit suicide.” John Adams, Second President of the United States
I fear that President Adam’s words are exactly what is
happening today. The innate desire of many men is to have power over others.
With great power comes great wealth. Together, these two evils are always
destructive and cause pain and suffering for the many.
Politicians who decide to seek a career in public service
claim that their desire is based on a need to accomplish something of
importance for the people of their country. Once they are elected and
reelected, they become “professional politicians.” In most cases, their desire
to serve is replaced by a need for more power, more money, and simply put,
personal gain. This is the situation in America today. Without term limits, the
old adage becomes 100 percent accurate: “power corrupts, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely.”
This is interesting because no individual has greater power
than presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, and dictators. In most situations,
the powers of presidents and prime ministers are limited. This is why the worst
decision ever made by the Supreme Court on July 1, 2024 immediately became the
greatest danger to democracy in America.
I find it impossible for anyone who reads the Constitution
of the United States of America not to understand that the primary purpose of
our Founding Fathers when creating a Democratic Republic, containing three “separate
but equal” branches, was to prevent any form of autocratic government. They
believed that the people should have a strong voice in the governance of their
This system of “checks and balances” is as close to perfect
as humanly possible if the powers of each branch are preserved and used wisely.
The legislative branch has several powers, the most
important being the creation of laws, the declaration of war, and overriding a
veto of legislation by the president. The latter is a serious deterrent to the
establishment of a dictatorship.
The executive branch has multiple powers and even greater
responsibilities. First and foremost is the safety and security of the people.
The second is to work with congress with the intention of passing legislation
which will serve all Americans. Third is to work with the leaders of other
nations to establish working relationships. Included in these discussions are
trade, security, and for the United States strengthening the NATO alliance to
prevent attacks by our nation’s enemies upon our country or those of our allies.
In the 21st century a president’s role has
changed. With the growth of domestic terrorism, pervasive anger, hatred and the
acceptance of violence in the name of political leaders, he or she must find a
way to reunite our nation’s people. However, this challenge has become
increasingly difficult because of extremists on the right who have become
obstructionists, and a politicized Supreme Court intent on destroying progress
made over the last 60+ years.
The only purpose of the Supreme Court is to ensure that
laws, regulations, and policies established by local, state, and federal
governments do not infringe upon the Constitutional rights of the American
Unfortunately, this corrupted Court, with a 6-3 majority, is
re-writing laws and creating their own. Sadly, the people have only one recourse:
encourage the House to begin the impeachment process against these six biased
My fear is justified. Trump did everything possible to overthrow
our government in four years, including an attempted coup. What will he do now
if he is elected? He will have nearly absolute power.
It’s fair to say, “if we can’t trust the Supreme Court, who
can we trust?” Justices do not face reelection, they are appointed for life.
Our Founding Fathers had undeserved faith in their assumption that without being
forced to endure the lengthy election process, they would not become
politically motivated. They failed to consider the evil which lives in the
hearts of mankind.
We must rely on the efforts of real Americans in Washington.
Unfortunately, that includes only three women on the Supreme Court.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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