Events Since 2022 Prove that We do not Need This Supreme Court


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Let’s review. In 2016, after the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, in February, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacant seat on the Court.

Moscow Mitch McConnell let out a high-pitched scream. He established a rule in direct opposition to the intent of the Constitution. He unilaterally decided that a vacant seat on the Court must not be filled during an election year.

Move ahead to 2017. After Trump’s illegitimate election, Moscow Mitch told Trump to nominate a man unfit for the position, Neil Gorsuch. We later learned that the sole reason for his nomination was based on a promise to overturn Roe v Wade should the opportunity arise.

2018; Moderate Justice Anthony Kennedy retired. Once again Moscow Mitch ordered Trump to nominate another totally unqualified justice, Brett Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings were similar to those of Clarence Thomas in 1991. Doctor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kavanaugh of rape during their college years. However, Republican senators called her a liar, as they had Anita Hill in 1991, and confirmed the alleged beer-guzzling sexual predator. He, too, promised to overturn Roe v Wade.

The worst came last.

On September 18, 2020, just seven weeks before the general election, legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lost her fight for life. Moscow Mitch immediately ordered Trump to nominate religious extremist, Amy Coney Barrett for the vacant seat, breaking his own unconstitutional rule. She was rushed through the process and confirmed on October 26, 2022, just a week prior to the election.

This was a lesson taken directly from, “stacking a Supreme Court 101.”


Today’s Court is stacked in favor of and support for right-wing extremists by the super margin of 6-3.

A reminder: the Supreme Court’s only purpose is to confirm or deny if laws, rules, and regulations conform to the meaning and intent of the Constitution. However, this corrupted Court is removing and creatin laws to support the agenda of the American Fascist Party, formerly called “Republicans.”

A second reminder. Our founding fathers created the Supreme Court, the Judicial Branch, with a singular goal in mind. They knew that the Court would be worthless if it became infested with the political process. Therefore, they came to the decision that by eliminating the Court from the election process, this would protect the justices from being influenced by political parties. Therefore, they gave them lifetime appointments. Big mistake.

Supreme Court justices have absolute power and face zero repercussions. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The truth is all three branches should have term limits, the only way to prevent a dictatorship.


This Court is doing more harm than good. First it removed the rights of all women to make decisions about their personal physical and mental health by overturning Roe v Wade. Then it reversed another case which prevented Chevron and other major polluters from causing additional harm to our air, land, and water. It continues to protect right-wing interests, and therefore the welfare of large corporations and the super-rich, always by a vote of 6-3.

President Biden has suggested forcing term limits on the justices of the SCOTUS. It’s a good start. However, I’m beginning to doubt the necessity of a Supreme Court. Too much power and no responsibility to the American people. This is pure fascism.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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