Failed Businessman to Failed Illegitimate President: A Loser is Always a Loser

Op-ed by James Turnage

History offers the truth: Trump is a failed businessman who was saved by bailouts from both the Saudi Royal Family and Russian Oligarchs. He and George W. Bush share one commonality: they both failed at everything they attempted in their lives.

You say, “what about the presidency in 2016?” A senate committee confirmed in 2022 that Vladimir Putin’s interference was much greater than reported. Trump’s Electoral College victory was secured by wins in three states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Massive efforts on social media in those three states resulted in a lower voter turnout than expected. Trump won all three states by a total of less than 80,000 votes.

However, if we go back to October of 2016, our own government aided Trump in his EC victory.

A meeting was held in the White House one month prior to the election. In attendance were the 12 leaders of our nation’s security agencies, the leaders of both political parties, President Obama, and Vice-President Biden. The purpose of the meeting was to present the results of multiple investigations over several months. It was confirmed that Vladimir Putin was indeed spending millions of dollars on social media to win the election for Trump.

However, for some unknown reason, they agreed not to inform American voters. Trump would not have become our illegitimate president if our leaders had simply done the right thing. No one in power can be trusted in the 21st century.


Trump’s loyalty has been to Vladimir Putin since their first meeting in Moscow in 1987. This is another fact your government is hiding from you. My brain remains unable to accept the fact that a man who committed treason, violated the Espionage Act, and openly advocates the overthrow of our democratic society, replacing it with a fascist regime with himself as its Fuhrer is allowed to seek the presidency. Anyone else would be behind bars awaiting trial.

President Lincoln’s prediction may come true: America will have destroyed itself. It will have surrendered its soul to Satan.


For years I have written articles condemning the quality of the 546 men and women who control our nation’s future from Washington. The very fact that 2024 is the third presidential election in a row when the best candidate the right could find is the least qualified in history. What a story this is, and although I write novels, I believe my readers would laugh if I dared offer this farce as a premise for a story. Not one person on the right side of the aisle is qualified to serve in our federal government.

With Kamala Harris comes experience, a long list of accomplishments, and an energy only younger Candidates can offer. Most importantly, she brings something which has been lacking since 2008: excitement. She has new ideas, the most important of which is to place the needs and wishes of all Americans in priority number one. The corporations can care for themselves. Ms. Harris is what we need now in the 21st century to move our nation bravely forward into the future.


Trump lacks the brains to run a self-serve laundromat. His fiscal policy between 2017 and 2021 nearly placed our nation in another depression. He personally added nearly 10 trillion dollars to the national debt in just four years.

His latest idea, which he claims will advance our nation’s economy, has been heavily criticized by every economic expert in America.

"We are going to have 10 percent to 20 percent tariffs on foreign countries that have been ripping us off for years," he said at Wednesday's rally. "We are gonna charge them 10 percent to 20 percent to come in and take advantage of our country because that is what they have been doing."

Trump’s plan would destroy our economy once and for all. In the 21st century, we need trade agreements with other nations, they don’t need us. Our economy continues to rebuild after the disaster which was George W. Bush. Obama rescued Bush, and President Biden rescued Trump. Thanks to Mr. Biden’s efforts, our economy is in the best shape it has been since the Clinton Administration.

The Truth is that Democrats have been forced to save our nation from economic ruin since Reagan. Republicans cause enormous damage, and Democrats save us from ruin, time and time again. History does not lie.

Trump lost money as the owner of casinos. He would probably do the same as the proprietor of a lemonade stand. His father gave him about 421 million dollars to start his own business. He lost every penny in about one year. How would he find a way to waste a national budget in the trillions of dollars? He managed to use more than six million dollars a month of taxpayer money for his personal use between 2017 and 2021. Another spend, spend, spend right-wing politician who will give more tax cuts to the super-rich.

Finally, Kamala Harris will continue the successful projects begun by President Biden to grow the economy, while adding ideas of her own. We need a forward-thinking leader, not a man who lives in the past.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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