Fascist Justice Neil Gorsuch Threatens the President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart 

Proving that Supreme Court Justices are arrogant, above the law, and must have their situation altered, fascist Neil Gorsuch had the cojones to threaten the President of the United States. Time for change. 

You gotta love it when a politically biased and unfit for office Supreme Court justice makes a bigger fool of himself than we already knew he was. 

Today’s SCOTUS is totally corrupted. Six of the justices are sworn to protect the interests of right-wing extremists. All of their decisions since 2022 reflect this fact. They are no longer protecting the Constitution, they are writing and rewriting laws from legitimate Courts in the past. 


Recent Court decisions forced President Biden to act and initiate plans to place term limits on the judicial branch. This should have been done in 1789. Lifetime appointments are unrealistic and fascist. 

Gorsuch is not pleased.  

Recently on Fox, the poorly qualified justice admonished Mr. Biden’s plan, warning him to “be careful.” The intent was clear. 

Without a single restraint, the Court is omnipotent. Voters have no recourse if they are displeased with one branch or our government, and that is pure fascism.  


Trump was horrible, to say the least. However, he alone cannot be blamed for the mess in Washington. All Republican leaders and many others with loud mouths and personal ambitions are to blame for the fact that the American government is the most corrupt in the world.  

Moscow Mitch has openly been a traitor to our nation for decades. His ambitions have succeeded, while the people of our nation suffered from his crimes against our country.  

Others, including John Cornyn, Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson, Josh Hawley, Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, and many others continue their efforts to end democracy in America and replace it with fascism.  

Without term limits for all three branches, and giving the right to elect our president back to the people by eliminating the Electoral College, our government will continue to crumble until it ceases to exist.  

These simple changes would eliminate the struggle for power and wealth among politicians.  

Op-ed by James Turnage 

Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle 

Source: https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadline-legal-blog/gorsuch-supreme-court-reforms-rcna165152 


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