Nikki Haley’s Failed, Short Campaign to Benefit Kamala Harris

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Let’s be honest, my friends. Although I despise the word and its meaning, most Americans, real Americans, hate Donald John Trump. He stands for everything true patriots oppose. One fact about Trump seldom discussed is the fact that he is lazy. He has never worked a day in his life. I have seen photos of him driving his golf cart onto a green, too lazy to walk a few feet from the cart path.

After she ended her campaign, former South Carolina Governor, and Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, offered her fealty to Trump. She advised him to seek support from the men and women who voted for her in the primaries. This was too much effort for Trump. President Biden decided that he might persuade Haley’s supporters to vote for him.

Today, a growing number of Haley’s supporters are organizing a campaign to offer their support for Kamala Harris. Craig Snyder is the campaign director.

“When we cast our votes in the primaries we weren’t really voting for her as an active candidate,” he said. “But we wanted to send a message that this was not the kind of Republican party that we wanted, that Trump’s period as the spirit-bearer of the party needed to come to an end.”

There are real Republicans out there, but not in Washington.

“For those of us in this group, our feeling has been that while we may disagree with the Democratic party on certain policy issues, the better choice is to continue our opposition to Trump by voting Democratic,” he said. “When President Biden made the decision to withdraw, we made the decision to continue along those lines and to support Vice-President Harris.”


Empty seats, early departures, and an atmosphere of apathy. These are things we never saw in 2016 and 2020 at Trump’s hate rallies.

Why “Republicans” believed it was a good idea to run Trump for a third time, I do not understand. He is far too old and in decline mentally and physically. His speeches remain long and repetitive, only the names change. They have become more about him and how “badly he is being treated.” They have become less and less about what he would do if reelected with the exception of seeking revenge against his adversaries.

The Heritage Foundation, along with more than 100 former members of Trump’s White House Staff, have composed an agenda for him. They call it “Project 2025.” It is about 900 pages long and offers methods which would destroy democracy, shred the Constitution, and increase taxes on the working classes while virtually granting the super-rich a plan to eliminate all taxes for them and the major corporations they own. Its ultimate goal is to create a fascist regime where all free and fair elections, and rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution would be eliminated for anyone who is not pure white and wealthy.


Trump’s plans mimic Putin’s Russia. If you believe that this is what America should be, vote for Trump. If you love the country of our founding fathers, served by men like Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John Kennedy, vote for Kamala Harris. The future lies in how you complete your ballot in November.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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