The Priorities of a Senile Old Man


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

This situation did not exist one month ago. Today, the 2024 presidential race is between two candidates who are literally as different as male and female. Two months ago the voting public would have been forced to choose between two old, white men, neither of which excited the electorate.

Today, only one, old, white man remains in the race, and he is displaying signs of decline in both his physical and mental abilities. At a rally in Pennsylvania Saturday, Trump displayed his lack of ability to focus on the issues of his campaign and revealed his desperate need for personal approval.

[Donald Trump obsessed over Kamala Harris’s appearance yet again during a campaign rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Saturday – this time declaring that he’s “better looking” than his Democratic rival and mocking those who call her “beautiful”.]

He continued with what he considered the most important issue of the day.

“Time magazine doesn’t have a picture of [Harris]. They have this unbelievable artist drawing her and I said ‘Is that Sophia Loren?’ I couldn’t tell,” Trump told the crowd of supporters.


Trump’s campaign has nothing to do with service to 330 million people. His campaign is about soothing a fragile ego, getting revenge on his many enemies, possessing the ability to pardon himself for multiple egregious crimes, and preventing the embarrassment of losing for a third time, and to of all people, a Black woman.

Yes, I did say for the “third time.” His Electoral College victory on November 8, 2016 has been proven illegitimate and secured through the efforts of the leader of a foreign nation. In addition, our own government refused to inform the voting public about efforts by Vladimir Putin to secure a win for Trump. Trump told the truth: the election was rigged.

This election is all about him, not the United States of America. Not once has he chosen to reveal a single policy which would improve the lives of all 330 million Americans. There is a reason for this. He made it perfectly clear that he will only represent those who serve him.


Qualifications, experience, and moral character are of extreme importance when a candidate is seeking the presidency.

Prior to the 2016 election, Trump had never been involved in any level of government in America. I have no knowledge whether or not he is involved with the Russian government, other than with President Putin.

Some will say that he had four years of experience between 2017 and 2021. This would be inaccurate to say the least. When he wasn’t golfing, visiting one of his resorts, spending weekends at Mar-a-Lago, holding one of his infamous hate rallies, watching FOX News, or texting, he scheduled just three hours each day for business in the Oval Office. Records prove that his only accomplishment in four years was in the form of permanent tax breaks for the super-rich.

His biggest failure was to perform the job for which he was illegitimately elected. At the end of 2019, he was warned of an oncoming health emergency. However, he ignored the danger until mid-March when Americans began to lose their lives related to infection from Covid-19. His only “action” was to repeat his claim that “it will just go away.”

Kamala Harris was a prosecutor in California prior to her election as the state’s Attorney General. She was elected to the United States Senate in November of 2016, where she served until asked to join Joe Biden’s presidential campaign in 2020.

Contrary to television ads, paid for by Trump’s campaign, her record is spotless. She is not a judge, and could not have released immigrants from incarceration or deportment. Her reputation was that of a prosecutor who was fair but tough. She displayed those same attributes in the Senate.

Ms. Harris cannot be compared to Trump. She is 20 years his junior and continues to display the energy necessary to be a working president. To my knowledge, she does not golf, nor does she own a resort with access restricted to millionaires and billionaires only.

Most importantly, her early policy statements are focused on improving the quality of life for all 330 million Americans.

Our choice is clear: accept the “best” the right-wing has to offer, or elect someone who will serve our Country, our people. Kamala Harris in 2024.

Please vote.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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