This Proves It, Trump is Stupid

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Long before Trump declared his intention to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination in 2015, we knew that he was several bricks short of a full load. He loved the New York social life, but they didn’t love him. He crashed parties to which he had not been invited, and refused to participate in charity events, never giving one dollar to someone in need. It was well known that his business practices were questionable at the very least. However, on Wednesday, he displayed a level of stupidity I could not believe.

"I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black and now she wants to be known as black," he said at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago on Wednesday.

"So I don't know - Is she Indian? Or is she black?"

Maybe I’m the stupid one. However. The fact that her father is Black, and her mother Indian, appears to clarify the situation.


It’s clear that presidential historians knew what they were doing when they declared Donald John Trump the worst president in American history. My standard for rating presidents is much simpler. Great presidents, and there were only a few, focused on improving the quality of life for all Americans. The worst refused to serve all Americans and had no interest in serving all of our nation’s people.

From constant violations of the Constitution, two impeachments for cause, a failure to address an obvious healthcare emergency, planning, organizing, and executing a violent insurrection, and the theft of national secrets, Trump will hold the title of worst president in history until the end of time.


Beginning in 2015, it was undeniable that Trump is a racist, a bigot, and a sexist. He has confirmed many times that he is the leader of the Neo-Nazi, white supremacist movement in America. By his own admission, he is a sexual predator. The sad truth is that Republicans have been unable to find a single candidate other than Trump for the last three elections. No one on the right side of the aisle is fit to be our nation’s president.


Kamala Harris has class, intelligence, and will continue to work for all Americans. Trump can’t spell the word “class.” His already minimal intellect is in further decline. He admits that he will not be a president for everyone. He will only care for those who are loyal to him.

With each passing day, Trump is becoming more desperate. His Project 2025, and it is his agenda, will guarantee a loss in November. 2024 will be the end of the old man who has no idea how to govern 330 million Americans, and he doesn’t care. Everything is all about him. If he wins, God forbid, he will pardon himself for his many felony indictments.

The choice on November 5th is between a woman who could be a great president, and an old, obese man who will never be my president or yours.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle




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