Trump Calls Heroes “Suckers and Losers”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

You might remember comments made by your “Commander-in-Chief” after refusing to attend a ceremony honoring our fallen soldiers during WWI in France in 2018.

Trump refused to attend the ceremony. It was raining and windy, and he was concerned about his hair. I can’t make this shit up.

An aide who attended the trip with Trump, claims that he asked why would he want to go? “They are all suckers and losers. What was in it for them?”


Trump is at it again. In another display of abject ignorance, he demeaned the importance of medals awarded to our military for extraordinary service.

[On Thursday, when addressing megadonor Miriam Adelson about the Presidential Medal of Freedom he had given her in 2018, Trump said: “It’s the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor, but civilian version. It’s actually much better, because everyone gets the Congressional Medal of Honor — that’s soldiers. They’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead.”]

His comparison between an honorary award and awards earned on the battlefield brought about an angry response from Senator Tammy Duckworth who lost both legs in Iraq.

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week,” the Illinois Democrat said: “Donald Trump is despicable. He doesn’t deserve to be commander in chief. And certainly those remarks are consistent with where he’s always been. He thinks that we’re suckers and losers.”

Remember, Trump is speaking as a confirmed five-times draft dodger. How can this despicable old man, a convicted felon and sexual predator, possibly have a single supporter in a country which falsely claims to have been founded on religious beliefs?


I know that Trump is unfit to hold any public office in my America. However, I believe that he is unfit to be called an American, or even a member of the human race. His level of evil is equivalent to that of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Kim Jong-un, and Vladimir Putin: all men he admires.

When Hillary Clinton called members of Trump’s cult “a basket of deplorables,” Republicans were irate. However, now that the “real Donald Trump” has been exposed by multiple sources, and multiple criminal trials, anyone who votes for Trump deserves that label. These men and women obviously hate everything about my America.


I have never heard of anyone alive or in our history books who is less deserving of my precious vote. Only an extremely patriotic American should be allowed to run for the office of President of the United States.

I began reading about Donald Trump in 2013. I have never found a single incident, a single reason to change what I know about him. He has no redeeming qualities. He is such a low life he stole from his own charity. If there is a worse man in the world today, I have yet to read about him.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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