Trump is Far Too Old to be Our President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

When President Biden remained the Democratic candidate, Trump constantly called him “sleepy Joe,” referring to his age of 81. However, he is no longer in the picture, Trump “is” the old man. He is 78 and a very old 78 both physically and mentally.

Trump will be 80 years of age on June 15, 2026, 17 months into his term of office. By that time, he is likely to be in a wheelchair and unable to speak his own name clearly. He is already slurring his speech.

I felt that his hate rallies were always an embarrassment for Trump, personally, and for our nation’s once respected position in the world. However, in 2024 they are even more about him. His criminal problems, including 34 felony convictions, combined with his inability to challenge Kamala Harris on the issues, and a waning stamina, are forcing him to whine incessantly. Nobody feels sorry for the worst man in the world.


The right thing for Trump to do is to end his campaign. However, he is not a real man. Trump lacks morals, principles, self-respect, and any shred of dignity.

President Biden displayed enormous love for his country and class when he did the right thing. History has been made several times in 2024 and will happen again on November 5th.

I’m as excited as everyone else. It is about time we had a woman in the White House. The people will come first and in time our society will re-balance itself. By 2026 the nightmare which was Donald Trump will fade from our memories. His supporters in the House and Senate will no longer live lives of luxury and privilege. Their seats will be filled by men and women who care about their country.


In 1665/1666, Sir Isaac Newton discovered gravity; objects attract objects. And so the modern world began. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin was credited for the discovery of electricity. The way the world exists today is the direct result of that humble beginning.

On June 27, 2024, an exhausted and slightly ill Joe Biden stood on a debate stage, having just returned from a major economic summit. His poor performance sent a tremor throughout the Democratic Party. I would be less than honest if I failed to report the fact that both Jake Tapper and Dana Bash failed to force Trump to answer direct questions and offer his personal agenda. However, the fear from the left began to escalate.

A little over three weeks later, on July 21, 2024, President Biden stepped away from his bid for reelection. He endorsed his Vice-President Kamala Harris. It is fair to say that the next day real Americans exploded with joy and excitement. What I predicted in 2021 became reality. The American people were no longer forced to choose between two, old white men.  They were looking at the possibility of a 59-year-old Black/Asian Woman becoming our nation’s 47th president.

Remember, the average age of all Americans is 38.4 years of age. Think about this: more than one-half of all Americans are under the age of 40. Not I or anyone else believed that an octogenarian could fully relate to most of our nation’s people.

From raucous rallies in support of Kamala Harris to social media, our country, and might I say the world, has changed. There is something happening I have not seen since 2008. It’s called “excitement.”


Between 2017 and 2021, Trump proved that he has nothing to offer the American people. He failed with a decades old economic plan, failed to bring our people together, and failed miserably when the coronavirus approached our country. He proved that he is not capable of leading 330+ million American people.

More than one-million Americans lost their lives from the effects of Covid-19. Thousands of these deaths could have been prevented if Trump had acted immediately. Instead, from January until mid-March, he told us, “it will just go away.”

During that same time he suggested solutions including bright light therapy, taking medication designed for horses, and drinking bleach. He refused to suggest that the American people wear masks or keep safe distances from each other, as suggested by the CDC. As we know, Trump eventually became infected himself.

A combination of his failed fiscal policy, and refusal to protect our nation’s people from a deadly health situation, proved that he should never be allowed to hold public office at any level.

The bottom line is that Trump possesses none of the qualities, including patriotism, necessary to become the President of the United States.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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