What Trump Really Thinks About His Cult

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

You might remember the heavy criticism Hillary Clinton received from the right when she called Trump’s cult “a basket of deplorables” during the 2016 campaign. Although it has become clear that she was not wrong, her opinion is of little importance. What is of interest is what Trump thinks about his most avid supporters.

Stephanie Grisham is a former Press Secretary for Donald Trump. However, like many mainstream Republicans, she has endorsed Kamala Harris in 2024 and appeared at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday evening. She resigned on January 6, 2021, immediately following the violent insurrection.

[Grisham’s admission that Trump referred to his supporters as “basement dwellers” when the cameras were off is a shocking but not entirely surprising revelation. This term, dripping with disdain, reveals the deep-seated contempt Trump holds for the very base that has idolized him. This base, largely composed of working-class Americans, has been manipulated by Trump’s populist rhetoric, believing in his false promises and deceptive narratives. Grisham’s account underscores the extent of Trump’s duplicity, where he publicly champions his supporters while privately deriding them.]

If this is surprising, you don’t know, or choose not to know the real Donald Trump. I cannot count the number of times he turned 180 degrees on men and women who were extremely loyal to the orange buffoon, but made a little mistake of not agreeing with him on a single minor or major issue. He calls them names and blames them for any negative exposure related to him personally.


Trump is not loyal to anyone. Typical of a malignant narcissist, he is 100 percent focused on Donald John Trump. No one, not his wife, nor his five children are of any importance when his life is in jeopardy.

Trump never wanted to be your president, and in reality, he never was. He spent four years living the life of a real billionaire with the use of taxpayer money. “Work” was never a word in his vocabulary.

His greatest failure involved doing nothing about the approach of Covid-19, a deadly coronavirus. More than one-million Americans lost their lives.


If Trump’s supporters read this story, they will remain in denial.

In 2016 Trump stood before the television cameras and bragged about how well he had brainwashed his cult.

“I could shoot someone in the middle of Times Square and not lose a single supporter.”

Times appear to be changing. Video and photographs from his Saturday evening rally in Pennsylvania revealed empty seats. Prior to the end of another long and rambling speech, a number of attendees began leaving the auditorium.

Fear is dominating Trump’s words and actions. If he fails to win in November, he will be unable to pardon himself for his many felony indictments. Trump will surely die in jail or as an exile from normal society in America.

I remain amazed that although Trump is a confirmed sexual predator, a traitor, and violated the Espionage Act, was convicted on 34 felony counts, and failed miserably as your illegitimate president, his followers remain loyal. The dumbing down of America.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s Kindle

Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/8/20/2264684/-Fmr-Press-Sec-Stephanie-Grisham-Trump-calls-his-supporters-basement-dwellers-when-cameras-off?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web




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