A Stacked Supreme Court, a Biased Mainstream Media, and a Loyal Cult Known as the “Basement Dwellers: “How Can Trump Lose?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Even before the 2020 votes were counted, the 2024 election
was stacked in Trump’s favor. Moscow Mitch McConnell helped America’s greatest traitor
stack the Supreme Court in his favor. The travesty of 2000 could be repeated. It
was clear that the mainstream media supported Trump’s baseless claim that the
2020 election was fraudulent. Trump’s cult, who chooses to believe anything the
pathological liar says, and he refers to as the “basement dwellers,” all offered
an early movement to help Trump regain the White House in 2024.
The mainstream media belittled President Biden from day one,
never recognizing his numerous accomplishments. Instead, they joined Trump in
his attacks about the President’s age.
Everything was focused on a win for the least qualified
candidate in history. So why is he losing today?
Trump has always been a loser. The reasons are simple: he uses
his own words and actions to guarantee failure. Trump is not very smart, he is
a con man. Con men don’t have to be intelligent, they just have to convince
others that they are.
Trump preys on the weak-minded and those who are desperate
for a leader. They are incapable of thinking for themselves.
The orange buffoon lost the popular vote in 2016 and was
crushed in 2020. Although everything was in his favor for a 2024 victory, the
change in the Democratic Party’s nominee forced him into a downward spiral.
Influential Republicans continue to announce their support for
Kamala Harris. After the truth, a strong woman is Trump’s greatest fear: he
demonstrated this fact during Tuesday evening’s debate. I don’t care what some
pundits say, Trump suffered the biggest ass-kicking in the history of
presidential debates.
We know that Trump’s Electoral College victory in 2016 was
not legitimate. Russian interference, the mainstream media, and James Comey altered
the results and America lost an opportunity to have the most qualified president
in history, Hillary Clinton. Instead, we suffered through four years of the
most incompetent and anti-American administration I have ever seen.
We know that Trump is incapable of winning this election
without assistance from outside sources. The DOJ has confirmed that Russian
agents are involved once again. They are attempting to discredit Kamala Harris
with their usual lies and personal attacks. The question is, will they be successful?
In 2020, they were not. Why? A record turnout crushed Trump’s
hope for reelection. I admit that this was an election more concerned with
removing Trump than in support of Joe Biden. However, Mr. Biden has
accomplished more over the recent four years than any president since Bill
If you agree with me and want to prevent another disastrous
and illegitimate presidency with Trump in control of our nation, vote. This
election is the most important in our nation’s future. We are in a second Civil
War, and the results will decide if our nation remains a democracy, or submits
to the fascist ideals of every right-wing politician in Washington.
It doesn’t matter how you vote: by mail or in person. Just
vote. Save America for our grandchildren and beyond.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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