Former Senator John McCain’s Youngest Son Explains his Disdain for Trump’s Campaign Stunt at Arlington
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart
Patriotism is not limited to those who served in our
military. However, for most of our women and men who wore the uniform of any
branch of our military forces they experienced something unique. After serving
their time, they retained a special quality and what they learned during a
significant part of their lives.
Although Trump calls members of our armed forces “fools and
suckers” who gave their lives in service to their country, current and former
members of our military experience deep and sometimes undefinable emotion when
they visit the hallowed ground where deceased members of our armed forces are
resting for eternity.
For Trump to use Arlington National Cemetery, or any other
location dedicated to our fallen heroes as a background for a political stunt,
and a photo op, is an insult to every man and woman who ever wore the uniform. Each
of these men and women did so knowing that they were members of a very long
list of others who believed that serving their country was an honor, and for
them a responsibility they accepted eagerly.
To sum this up, Trump is a confirmed draft dodger, who does
not deserve to wear the title of Commander-in-Chief. Period.
During the 2016 campaign, Trump belittled Arizona Senator
John McCain’s service to our country. After his plane was shot down, he was
placed in a North Vietnamese prisoner of war camp for five-and-one-half years where
he was frequently tortured.
Trump said: “I like members of our military who didn’t get
captured.” Never once did he apologize for his revolting remark. Trump says, “I
have never done anything wrong.”
Senator McCain’s youngest son, “Jimmy,” a former 1st
Lieutenant in the USMC who also served in Army Intelligence, called Trump’s
invasion of Arlington a “violation.”
Mr. McCain recently left the Republican Party and is now a
registered Democrat. He said this about Trump’s photo op.
“It just blows me away,” McCain, who has served in the
military for 17 years, told CNN. “These men and women that are laying in the
ground there have no choice” of whether to be a backdrop for a political
campaign, he said.
“I just think that for anyone who’s done a lot of time in
their uniform, they just understand that inherently — that it’s not about you
there. It’s about these people who gave the ultimate sacrifice in the name of
their country.”
Trump has never been a Christian, never attended any service
in any religious edifice. When he decided to march to St. John’s Episcopal
Church on June 1, 2020, there was no reason other than hope to aid his failing
campaign with a photo op. After being led by members of our military, armed
with rubber bullets and tear gas, forcing themselves through a crowd of peaceful
protestors exercising their First Amendment rights, he posed in front of St.
Johns holding an upside-down Bible.
Trump is the most embarrassing thing to happen to our
country in its 248 years. He wants to be your president, not to serve our nation’s
people, but to use the presidency for his own benefit.
I am not singling Trump out as our only bad president. Many
of our past leaders did as much harm as good, and the reason I do not celebrate
“Presidents Day.” However, I am saying what has been confirmed by Presidential
historians: Trump is by far the worst president in history.
If there was justice in America, Trump would be in a federal
detention facility awaiting trial for treason on January 6, and violating the
Espionage Act. Each crime is punishable by life imprisonment or death.
President Biden not only saved our nation from the
destructive policies of the Trump administration, but he also accomplished more
than any president since Bill Clinton.
Kamala Harris is the president we need today. She will
continue to support the successful polices of the Biden administration, and
will add more progressive policies which will move our nation forward into the
21st century.
Save America and reject Trump’s fascist Project 2025.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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