How You and I can Make America Better for All of Us

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

America is not a pure democracy. In our system of a “Democratic Republic,” we, the people, elect women and men to represent us in Washington. Their primary responsibility is to serve the people and make efforts to address our needs and wishes. This was moderately successful from 1789 until 1981.

The first steps to increase political power in America came from the right side of the aisle. In 1981, Ronald Reagan demanded absolute loyalty and party unity without dissension. This began a move farther to the right, and today those who call themselves “Republicans” in Washington are leaning towards a fascist regime and the end of democracy. Their party is first, special interests second, and the American people an afterthought at best.


What is needed to save our government in Washington: end mass corruption and restore functionality. This is simple, and we can control the situation.

A large percentage of our elected officials are unfit for the positions they possess. Not only are they incapable of governing; they don’t care. They found jobs which require little or no “work,” and enjoy a quality of life envied by most of our nation’s people. They will say and do anything to avoid losing the lifestyle they don’t deserve. We must remove the “do nothing Congress” from Washington.

This was not the intention of our Founding Fathers. Everyone in Washington is a public servant: no more important than the men and women who clean up after them when they leave for the evening. The American people do not owe those we elect respect or gratitude, unless they perform the jobs for which they were elected to the best of their ability.

Far too many voters have a single criteria when they are in the voting booth: which party do they represent? This is moronic. Both parties have their faults, and only candidates whose record and position on the issues most important to you and those you love should receive your precious vote.

Generally, Independent voters are informed voters. We have no concern about whether they have an “R” or a “D” next to their names. We are interested in their ideals, principles, morals, and reasons why they are asking for our votes. These should be the only reasons for receiving your precious vote.


The worst Senate Majority Leader in history, the creator of the “party of no,”  and why our government is dysfunctional is Moscow Mitch McConnell. He has been a United States Senator for more than 40 years. However, not once in four decades has he fought for or passed legislation which increased the quality of life for all Americans. His focus has been his party, and personal gain. The people of Kentucky have harmed themselves and our nation by reelecting him for one reason: he claims to be a Republican.


I have no need to tell you about the failures of certain well-known politicians. These men and women continue to expose themselves as hypocrites, liars, and self-serving pretenders.

I would be remiss if I did not begin with Trump. In 2015 and 2016. He promised his “basement dwellers” many things, but did nothing with the exception of violating the Constitution every day over a four year period.

“Cancun” Ted Cruz always comes to mind when I use the term “hypocrite.” Although Trump constantly levied personal attacks against Cruz during the 2016 campaign, and attacked his wife and father, he bows to his master without shame.

His infamous trip to Cancun while his constituents were suffering from extreme cold in Texas speaks for itself.

Marjorie Taylor Green should have been born in Germany in the early 1900’s. She openly praises Vladimir Putin, and offers her admiration for Adolf Hitler. Need I go on?

Jim Jordan is one of the creators of the fascist “Freedom Caucus.” Prior to his dismal election to congress, he was guilty of aiding and abetting a sexual predator at Ohio State University. He has never been punished.

There are many more, but I will end this story with the poster boy for term limits: “Moscow” Mitch McConnell.

For more than four decades he served his party and achieved personal goals while failing to address the needs and wishes of the American people. He led the “anybody but Trump” movement in Washington during the 2016 campaign season, but when the orange buffoon illegitimately won the Electoral College vote, he surrendered his morals and self-respect, bowing to every demand from Fuhrer Donald John Trump. A huge hypocrite and a complete failure.

Finally, in addition to making better choices when we vote, we must demand two changes which can only occur if the legislative branch agrees to do the right thing.

Term limits would remove power from our elected officials. Corruption would end, and a dysfunctional government would go back to work.

Every vote should count, and the power to choose our presidents should be given to the people. For too long the Electoral College gave the right to elect our presidents to states. This is not democratic, and definitely violates the core values of the Constitution.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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