Lies Are Easy to Accept: The Truth, Not so Much

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I have readers who don’t like what I write. Some of them hate me, although they don’t know me. I am guilty of only one thing: I write the truth. The truth is often difficult to accept, while lies which play on our emotions are eagerly embraced.

I admit to mistakes. Sometimes there are errors in my research, and sometimes individuals I considered trustworthy were dishonest and my radar was turned off. However, my articles are never the result of lies or conspiracy theories posted on social media, or from right-wing extremist blogs, podcasts, or television broadcasts. To the best of my ability, the truth will always live here.

Although Ronald Reagan was a complete fraud, he said one thing I have never forgotten: “trust but verify.” I also believe in the writer’s instruction manual, which is composed of just six words: who, what, why, when, where, and how.

Sadly, the 21st century, “the age of information,” has too much information. Most of it is false because most of what I read are opinions without facts to support assumptions and allegations.


Elections have become of greater importance than most Americans realize in 2024. Yes, the candidates matter, but the issues far outweigh the personalities we see on television or at political rallies.

For millions of voters what no longer matters are principles, morals, honesty, or patriotism.

Political ads influence a larger number of voters than you might believe. Because America’s campaign season lasts for two years or longer, our television screens are constantly filled with ads in support of the candidates or “hot button” issues.

I noticed one disturbing fact over the last few months. Every ad in support of right-wing candidates is composed of attacks on their progressive opponents. Much of these vile ads become personal. On rare occasions, when the issues are mentioned, they are composed of blatant lies and statements by their opponents in old film clips, which have been taken out of context.

I have been impressed by the majority of ads purchased by Democratic campaigns and political action committees. They are mostly positive and focused on our nation’s future. The negative ads from the left are often defensive: in response to falsehoods from extremists on the right.


The debate between Trump and Kamala Harris is in the past, but the effects linger. Trump’s biggest complaint is understandable: he was caught telling lies. Those lies persist in his television ads.

Personally, I’m tired of reading about the most egregious falsehood on that evening. Haitians never were eating their neighbor’s dogs and cats J.D. Vance admitted that he created the story. There never was a single incident reported by anyone in Springfield, Illinois. The truth is, the good people of Springfield have embraced Haitian refugees and accept them as their neighbors.

There were two additional lies which must be debunked.

In his ads, Trump claims that during his illegitimate presidency the economy was better than it is today. He also claims that crime has increased since he left office in 2021.

Facts prove that the overall economy under President Biden is the best it has been since the Clinton administration. Unemployment is the lowest in 40 years. Consumer confidence has returned. There never was a true “inflation.” The increase in gas prices, and necessities we purchase in grocery stores are actions based on the greed of corporations. What happened is more accurately defined as “Greedflation.”

What Trump doesn’t want you to know and the mainstream media refuses to report is the undeniable fact that crime is in decline in America, and the situation has improved over each year of the Biden administration.

By the way: Reagan asked a question which is important today: “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?”

The answer is a resounding “yes.” Under Mr. Biden’s presidency our nation is moving forward, not backwards. His actions involving the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine saved thousands of lives. His stimulus checks prevented the failure of thousands of small businesses, and a resulting loss of employment for millions of American workers. The news is no longer primarily composed of Trump’s complaints, false accusations, and attacks on his adversaries.

I am not reading about corruption and constitutional violations incessantly. I am not reading about upcoming indictments filed against Trump and his allies.

Civility, morality, and American values have been restored in the White House.

If Trump loses in November, and I pray that he does, our nation will have eliminated the worst thing to happen in our nation’s history. Trump will become a nightmare fading away with time and the satisfaction of knowing that our nation is moving forward. The focus will no longer be on the issues facing one man, but on the quality of life for all Americans.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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