One Example of One of the Most Important Issues of This Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

In 1981 the Republican Party began to change. It could no longer be called “the Party of Lincoln.” Right wing politicians had begun their abandonment of the principles, morals, and ideals of a great President, and an even greater man.

One change remains a dark fact which is no longer a secret. Facts confirm that when there is a large voter turnout the results of the election favor Democrats. Today every red state has passed laws focused on voter suppression. This is a major issue no one is talking about.

The targets are specific groups which historically support Democratic candidates. A combination of this fact and Republican racism and bigotry led Republicans to place an emphasis on Black voters, but now includes anyone who is not pure white and Christian.


Trump suffered a devastating defeat in the 2020 election. He knows it. However, his affliction with malignant narcissism prevents him from accepting this irrefutable fact.

The truth is very simple. The popularity of “mail-in voting” produced an historical voter turnout. Trump had no chance because most voters were focused on removing the worst president in history from the White House more than their support for Joe Biden.

Personally, I was relieved. I have always enjoyed my excursions to the polls. However, I am now 78 years old and I have difficulty standing. My mobility is limited. However, mailing in my ballot was easy and secure.


In Arizona a database error was discovered by  Secretary of State, Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, and Stephen Richer, the Republican Maricopa County recorder.

Richer attempted to take advantage of the situation, aware that the coming election would be decided by a small percentage of votes. He petitioned the State Supreme Court to remove the voting rights of about 98,000 men and women who could not submit proof that they were citizens of the United States of America.

The Court denied Richer’s petition. Because these men and women had registered to vote long before the error was discovered, and had sworn under oath that they were indeed citizens, they were entitled to receive their voting rights.


There are approximately 161.42 million registered voters in the U.S. in 2024. Would 98,000 votes make a difference?

If we look back at the 2016 general election, there is undeniable evidence that 98,000 could decide the difference in the 2024 election.

Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 by more than three million votes. Unfortunately, in America the will of the people is not recognized. The result of our presidential elections is decided by the states because of an unconstitutional law known as the Electoral College.

Trump won the Electoral College by the smallest margin in history.

Three states gave the least qualified candidate in history victory over Hillary Clinton: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. The total number of combined votes between all three states was less than 80,000.

Of course none of this should have happened. Trump’s win was illegal and immoral. His victory was secured by a foreign nation, not by the American people. The sad truth is that our government knew about Putin’s interference prior to the election but refused to inform the American people.


The only weapon our nation’s people have against tyranny and deceit in Washington is our vote.

This election is more than a contest between a Republican and a Democrat. It is clearly between two plans for our nation’s future.

Kamala Harris offers an opportunity for our country to bravely move forward into the 21st century. Her focus is on the quality of life for all 330+ million Americans. She plans to reunite our nation’s people and place our nation on the right path again. Her focus will not be on special interests.

Trump’s Project 2025 offers a plan not only to continue the policies he used in 2017-2021, but to escalate those goals, moving our nation farther to the right and the creation of a fascist society with him as a dictatorial, all-powerful ruler. He would end all free and fair elections. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is fact.

Please vote and encourage everyone you know to do the same. Your future and the future of those you love will be decided on November 5th.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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