Saying “We’re not Ready for a Woman President” Is Ignorance at its Highest Level

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The United States of America remains a very young country. Recent surveys reveal the fact that America remains behind all other developed nations in several critical issues, most importantly the quality of life for its people. Politicians claim that “America is the greatest country in the world,” but this is far from the truth. There have been times in my life when I felt that our country was on the path to greatness, but each time we stumbled and lost our way for a while.

Between 2017 and 2021 America took the wrong fork in the road, and our nation moved backwards into some of its darkest days. However, President Biden placed us back on the right path, and once again hope was on the horizon.


Our country has many things to be proud of. However, some of our greatest mistakes continue to be problematic. America remains a nation where racism, bigotry, and prejudice is prevalent in every area of our country. These are learned responses. They do not occur naturally.

There was a time in my 78 years when I believed time, combined with education would end negative reactions to skin color, race, national origin, religion, and even the diversity of opinions. I was positive that women would have achieved complete equality by the time I reached middle age. I was naïve. Humans are far from perfect.

Evil is strong. Sometimes the good in people remains dormant for generations. Although Republicans are attempting to censor information available in our libraries, and institutions of education at all levels, it is mandatory that our children learn how change happened in their country and why. Informed voters are always students of history. Our mistakes were many and some remain. It is the responsibility of each generation to discard what is opposed to American principles and adopt policies and ideas which will move America forward, not backwards.


Throughout my life I have grimaced as our government, composed primarily of old, white men, refused to allow women to advance in the areas of equal pay, and equal opportunity in the workplace. I know now that this is only one issue in which more than one-half of our nation’s people have been forced to struggle. Words like respect and trust are all too often not applied to womankind in general. They have been prevented from making personal choices about their physical and mental health. A government dominated by men continues to prevent women from ending an unwanted pregnancy, in some cases this includes a pregnancy caused by rape or incest.

The United States has not arrived in the 21st century. There are some Americans, women and men, who claim that a woman is incapable of leading our nation. I am one of millions who find it hard to believe that this continues in 2024, and I remain astounded that our country has not elected a woman president prior to this year.

I was a strong supporter of Hillary Clinton in 2016 for several reasons. She was the most qualified person to seek the presidency in our nation’s history. Her love of country, plans for our nation’s future, her intelligence, and mental toughness were unequaled in American politics.

I maintain that Trump was illegitimately elected in 2016. Our government was aware that Russia played a major role in the outcome of his victory in the Electoral College. This was confirmed prior to the November election, but the voting public was prevented from knowing this fact. Hillary easily won the popular vote, but she was refused the title of President of the United States. He was not then and never would be my President.

This fact, combined with actions by James Comey, and unfair treatment by the mainstream media and their obvious support for Trump, gave away the White House to the least qualified candidate in history.

There was one other factor. It was of lesser importance, but it existed then and exists in some respects today. The fact that Hillary was a woman was the primary reason why some Americans refused to support her. I hope history will not repeat itself today.

Our nation must not allow Trump to damage our nation’s future again. Kamala Harris is the person we need in 2024. The most important issue for me is the quality of life for all Americans. She will help us join every other developed nation and our country will become a nation where all of its people have an opportunity to capture the American dream.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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