Why is the Mainstream Media Hiding the Truth About Trump and Putin?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The year was 1987. A 41-year-old Donald Trump, and his wife, Ivana, were invited to Moscow by the KGB. They accepted.

Vladimir Putin began his career with the KGB in 1975. He reached a position of power in the spy agency in the late 1980’s, resigning in 1991 to achieve his political ambitions.

Although there is no record of the events which occurred in 1987, it is fair to say that it was during this visit to Moscow when Trump and Putin began a relationship.

However, while campaigning in 2016, Trump lied, saying, “I never met the man.”

During the 2016 campaign, a dossier composed by former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, was released. The subject was Trump’s visit to Moscow in 2013. As part owner of the Miss Universe Pageant, Trump participated in a number of events over the three days. The document contains allegations about how Putin and Trump completed plans to steal the 2016 election during those few days.

In October of 2016, a meeting in the Oval Office was conducted by 12 of our nation’s top security personnel. In attendance were the President, Vice-President, and leaders of both political parties. It was confirmed that Putin was heavily involved in an attempt to secure the presidency for Trump on November 8th.

However, this information was hidden from America’s voting public. Although the polls predicted a huge win for Hillary Clinton, Trump barely won the Electoral College by a total of less than 80,000 votes in three states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. You can add 2+2; right?

Somehow Special Council, Robert Mueller, could not prove collusion between Trump and Putin. Just another secret hidden from the American people by a corrupt government.


The records have been hidden. However, White House aides claim that he made frequent calls to Putin, asking for advice when important decisions arose. Each time Congress was about to vote in favor of sanctions on Russia, based on election interference, Trump blocked the voting process.

If you had any doubts about Trump’s relationship with Putin, it was confirmed over the last couple of days. He openly stated that he supports Putin’s illegal and immoral invasion of Ukraine. He also revealed that he opposes President Zelenskyy’s actions to protect his nation’s people.

Where is Trump’s loyalty? It’s definitely not to more than 330 million American people.

Do you share my belief that only a patriotic America should wear the title of “President of the United States?”


Since 2015 the mainstream media demonstrated its support for Trump. Throughout the 2016 campaign the orange buffoon received five-times more media coverage than all other candidates combined. Sensationalism attracts viewers, and an increase in viewership results in additional advertising revenue.

In 2024 the mainstream media refuses to report any negative actions or words emanating from Trump or his fascist-leaning supporters. They refuse to refer to Trump in terms which accurately and truthfully define the “real Donald Trump,” including convicted felon, lifelong failure, sexual predator, pathological liar, fascist, homophobe, Islamophobe, hypocrite, poorly educated, and too old to serve.

Most importantly, they refuse to report the complete truth about Trump and Putin. They have millions of dollars to spend, and access to tell the American people the truth. Trump is Putin’s most valuable asset, and the Russian dictator is once again attempting to interfere in our 2024 election.

A vote for Trump is a vote for Putin and the end of democracy in America.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Enjoy my novels on Amazon’s free Kindle app

Sources: https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/





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