Breaking my Own Rules

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

From the first time I could vote in an election, 1968, I have been an Independent. I will always be a non-partisan voter. I believe that voting for a member of a party is ignorant, and causes great harm to our nation. Everyone should vote for the best candidate: the man or woman whose position on the most important issues are most closely aligned with your own.

Having said that, I will admit to you that in this election, I cannot vote for any Republican. To my knowledge, all “Republicans” in Washington support the worst man in the world, and therefore his destructive plans for my country’s future.

Everything I see and read confirms my fear that the entire right side of our political system surrendered its values, morals, and principles in 2017 and continues to do so today.

Trump is most likely the worst man in the world. He is intentionally attempting to destroy a nation which could become the greatest in history for his own benefit. If you support Trump, you are not an American. He is opposed to everything created by our Founding Fathers.


Doing the right thing is always personal: a choice based on the truth; the truth you believe based on facts and experience.

Many prominent and lifelong Republicans are supporting Kamala Harris. They claim that Trump is a danger to our nation’s freedoms, and to world peace. They have seen the light, and I pray others will follow them.

Because I am not alone in my criticism of Trump and those who support him, I feel less guilt about my responsibility related to this election. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and many other long-term right-wing politicians have abandoned their loyalty to our nation’s people and bow to Trump’s desperate need to save himself from being sentenced to prison for the remainder of his pitiful life. This is what has become a Republican Party in name only.


I have very high standards for those who want my vote. First and foremost, he or she must be an American. Our nation’s people, all 330 million of us, must be their only priority. Anyone who claims to be a patriot, but is clearly lying, will never receive my consideration. Second, he or she much have a high moral standard and principles beyond reproach. Finally, he or she must be truthful at all times. When I discover someone has lied to me, they will no longer receive my trust.

Okay, my standards are not that high. I believe these are requirements expected by every informed and independent voter.

Because Trump possesses none of these qualities, he would never make my list. Add to all of this the fact that he is our nation’s biggest traitor, a lifetime criminal, a sexual predator, and a Neo-Nazi sympathizer, and I find it difficult that his name is on anyone’s ballot.


What has happened to my country did not begin in 2015. Its origin was in 1981.

Like millions of other Americans, I trusted Ronald Reagan and was more than happy to give him my vote in 1980. However within his first six months in office he revealed his true self. He made a fool of us all.

Reagan was a good actor. He created an image of himself with the single intention of using his position as the Governor of California to propel himself to the highest office in our nation.

Following his victory in November, he immediately began efforts to amass greater power than his predecessors. Reagan demanded complete loyalty. There would be no dissention within the Republican Party. His policies and ambitions, regardless of their purpose, would be universal. There would be no free thought and no speech which contradicted the words of their leader.

The real Ronald Reagan despised the working class. He was a racist and a bigot. He believed that women were second-class citizens who should not be allowed to make major decisions. His most dangerous attribute was religious extremism. Reagan believed that there was only one religion of importance to himself and therefore our nation. He was a radical Christian and governed our country along the guidelines of his faith, ignoring the First Amendment rights of all Americans to practice the faith of their choice or none at all.

The once Grand Old Party took its last breaths on January 20, 2017. Every member of today’s Republican Party in name only surrendered to Trump all their principles, morals, and self-respect.

I could never vote for someone I do not respect. Today’s right-wing politicians cannot be trusted. They could not exist if forced to tell the truth.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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