If You Enjoy Lies, You Love Trump’s Fallacious Commercials Demeaning Kamala Harris

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Okay, we know that today’s Republicans in name only are the party of racism and bigotry. They oppose the very idea of complete equality for all Americans based on their race, or skin color. They use Christianity to deny the existence of the LGBTQ community. There most recent focus has been on transgender Americans.

Trump’s people are running an ad claiming that Kamala Harris supports gender change medical care for incarcerated men and women and illegal residents.

It is a fact that half-truths are more dangerous than blatant falsehoods. The tape shown in the ad was made in 2020. She was answering questions related to several court decisions which confirmed the right of prisoners to obtain medical care based on the Eighth Amendment.

[The Trump ad uses a 2020 interview clip, in which Harris says she supports gender-affirming surgery for transgender prisoners who can demonstrate that their mental health depends on it. "Every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access," she said.

[But they edit out the rest of her statement: "Every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need."

[That's what the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution requires, multiple courts have ruled. And there are just a few known cases of prisoners and none of "illegal aliens" receiving gender-affirming surgery.]


In other misleading ads Trump’s people claim that the Vice-President freed illegal residents from prison who later killed or sexually assaulted American citizens.

Here’s a little information about our legal system.

A prosecutor, D.A., or even an Attorney General cannot arbitrarily remove anyone from incarceration. Only a judge can take such action.

Trump has a problem, a real problem, and these baseless attacks on Ms. Harris are a smoke screen to cover up the fact that Trump is a lifetime criminal, and as your illegitimate president he committed the two most egregious crimes possible: treason, and violating the Espionage Act.

If there was justice in America, Trump would be in a prison, not a free man who is illegally running for our nation’s highest office, just read section three of the Fourteenth Amendment. However, his stacked Supreme Court placed the orange buffoon above the law, allowing him to cause further damage to our nation.


We, the people, have an opportunity to make history and at the same time save the future of our country. Let’s join together and ensure that Kamala Harris becomes our nation’s first woman president.

Op-ed by James Turnage

Source: https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/donald-trump-kamala-harris-attack-ads-truth-test-keller/



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