Kamala Harris Must Win, and Let’s Give Democrats Control of the House and Senate so America Can Move Forward

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

I am proud to be a Liberal, Progressive, or whatever fake conservatives want to label me. I believe in moving America forward, not backwards as Trump did between 2017 and 2021. With Kamala Harris leading our nation, our country can return to a path which will lead us to greatness.

If Kamala Harris’ agenda is to succeed, we must give her a House and Senate controlled by Democrats. Let’s be totally honest: if any Republican supports Trump, he or she supports Project 2025. They do not support the needs and wishes of the majority of Americans.


The Freedom Caucus is an extremist group withing the House of Representatives whose loyalty is to Trump, not the American people. They are the core of Moscow Mitch McConnell’s “party of no,” created in January of 2009.

Since the beginning of the 118th Congress, in January of 2023, a total of 82 bills have been passed by the legislative branch. The average is between 200-600 per year. Trump’s “people” continue to block legislation which would lessen or solve many of our nation’s most critical problems. They do this in an attempt to make the Biden administration appear incompetent, and helping Trump win in November of 2024.

The 40+ members of the misnamed “Freedom Caucus” confirmed that they are supporters of the Neo-Nazi movement through words and actions since 2017. Their policies are pure fascism and prove them to be enemies of the United States of America.

In the Senate, similar actions continue from Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, John Cornyn, Tom Cotton, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and others who offer their fealty to the worst president in American history.


I reached the age of 21 in 1967. The first general election in which I could vote was in 1968. After Robert Kennedy was murdered in the summer of 1968, I decided that I would be an Independent voter, and remain proud of that decision today.

Voting for anyone based on party affiliation represents chosen ignorance. Political parties are one of our greatest problems in America. Their lust for power continues to produce a government which is dysfunctional. I may not be the smartest person in the room, but I believe it is the responsibility of every voter to cast their ballots for the best person, not for a greedy and ambitious political party.


I can solve most of this problem immediately: force term limits on all three branches of government. It is not just a famous quote, it is a fact that “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” My interest in politics began at the age of 10 in 1956. I sadly watched our government become more corrupt during each of my 68 years as a political junkie.

You have undoubtedly heard the term “two Americas.” Originally this referred to the well-established fact that Black and White Americans live under vastly different conditions within the same cities and states.

Because political parties have amassed great power over their constituents, “two Americas” also defines the reason “red” and “blue” states exist. Our country is clearly divided by this situation, and is the reason America is engaged in a “bloodless second Civil War.”

For this abomination, I also have a simple solution.

Between 1787 and 1789 our Founding Fathers stated multiple times that the people should elect the president. However, after numerous boisterous negotiations, smaller states won the argument and the Electoral College became a reality. This allows the states to choose the woman or man who will lead our nation for four years. I believe this was a huge mistake. Every vote should count and the EC forbids fair voting and fair results.

If the EC was eliminated there would be no red or blue states. There would be 50 states where voters would decide the outcome of our presidential elections. We would once again be the “United States of America.”

Why has this not happened before? The truth is simple and based on irrefutable fact.

When Bill Clinton won the presidential election in 1992, a trend had begun. Only once during the next 28 years did a Republican presidential candidate win the popular vote. In 2004, with the use of “scare tactics” related to 9/11, George W. Bush barely won his reelection bid. Of course this would never have happened if a biased Supreme Court had refused to take control of the outcome of the 2000 election.


Politicians use the word “change” frequently. However, it has no meaning. The changes made in government over my 78 years have been minor. The few big changes resulted in great harm for the American people. The most recent was the illegitimate and illegal election of Trump on November 8, 2016. A foreign nation was allowed to influence the results of the election, and our government refused to take any action to prevent it.

Please vote, and vote wisely for yourself and those you love.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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