Someone Stand Up and Tell Trump and his Desperate Party that Scare Tactics are Too Old, and no Longer Have Any Effect

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

Kamala Harris is promising all Americans that our country will move forward and that she will serve each of them when she becomes our 47th President. Trump is telling us that she has been a terrible prosecutor, D.A., attorney general, and senator. Of course his attacks are baseless, but his negativity continues to dominate his campaign.

If both candidates decided to base their campaigns on legitimate attacks, Trump would end up in the slime at the bottom of a swamp.


I am one of those boring people who tries to find something good about everyone. I am sorry to say that over the 10 years I have been writing about Donald Trump, I have been unable to find one good thing to say about the man accurately labeled “the worst president in American history.”

I begin in June of 2015, just after Trump declared his candidacy. Promising that he would build a wall across our entire southern border and Mexico would pay for it was a huge lie. It was also one of the most racist acts in American history as he referred to all Hispanics as criminals, drug runners, and terrorists.

In 2017, one of his first executive orders was to ban all Muslims from America, with the exceptions of his friends from Saudi Arabia. Clearly unconstitutional, a federal court struck down another act of pure racism.

In 2018 he spoke about the tragic events in Charlottesville, Virginia, during a rally conducted by a white supremacist group, After a young protestor was murdered by one of the Neo-Nazis, he said: “There were good people on both sides.” This confirmed his position as the leader of America’s white supremacist movement.

Every day he was in office, Trump violated the “Emoluments Clause.” Although he was breaking Constitutional law, he continued to conduct business with leaders of foreign nations.

In 2019, the House impeached Trump for one of his many Constitutional violations. He attempted to bribe the President of Ukraine. In exchange Trump demanded “dirt” on Hunter and Joe Biden. However, Moscow Mitch McConnell ignored his responsibility and refused to hold a fair and just trial in the Senate.

Having ignored a warning posted in the Presidents Daily Brief in December of 2019, a new coronavirus, Covid-19, began to spread across the world in 2020. In January of 2020, when it became common knowledge that a health emergency was highly likely to come to America, Trump told the American people that “it will just go away.” He repeated his claim until mid-March when Americans began to die. More than one million of our nation’s people lost their lives from the effects of Covid-19, and health experts claim that Trump’s refusal to act in a timely manner is directly responsible for at least 10,000 of those deaths.


Donald Trump was soundly defeated in the 2020 election. An historical voter turnout, clearly focused on removing the worst president in history from office, resulted in Joe Biden becoming our 46th President.

However, afflicted with malignant narcissism, he was forced to dispute the truth.

Two weeks after what Trump’s own election czar called “the fairest and most secure election in history,” Trump was made aware that any challenge he made to the validity of the election would be fruitless, he began lying to his cult. He created the biggest lie in American history, claiming that the 2020 election was the result of “massive fraud,” and he had proof.

Although he knew that he would lose, Trump instructed his legal team, headed by now disbarred Rudy Giuliani, to file at least 60 complaints in state courts, demanding they overturn the results of the election. Every effort was rejected. Eventually, his own “stacked” Supreme Court rejected his baseless allegations.


The Court’s decision did not end Trump’s insane desire to remain in power. On January 6, 2021, while Congress was preparing to certify the vote of the Electoral College, Trump stood on a makeshift stage outside of the White House and ordered his followers, led by leaders of Neo-Nazi organizations, to march to the Capitol Building and stop the vote. The result was a violent insurrection which will forever be known as “The Darkest Day in American History.”

Once again, Trump was impeached for obstruction of justice, and once again Moscow Mitch conducted a mock trial.


After President Biden was sworn into office on January 20, 2021, and Trump was evicted from the White House, about 14 boxes of national secrets were removed from the White House. Eventually they were found inside Trump’s new residence, his Mar-a-Lago billionaire’s resort.

He previously lied to the FBI, claiming he had returned all of the classified material as ordered. A subsequent raid on Mar-a-Lago discovered a large number of documents hidden throughout the edifice to wealth and power.

All of this led to Trump being charged with 91 felony indictments. He was convicted of 34 so far. He has yet to face what I hope will be a charge of treason, and violations of the Espionage Act.


The truth is, only a single reason is needed to disqualify Trump: he’s too damned old.

I was not pleased when I believed that the candidates for president in 2024 would be between two men who were on either side of being octogenarians. America has an average age of 38.4 years, and any man or woman in his or her 80’s should never be the leader of such a young nation. We must move forwards, not backwards.

As I see clips of Trump’s speeches at his hate rallies, I see an old, man who is 78 and incapable of completing coherent sentences. He is woefully unfit to lead a nation of 330+ million people.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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